Is the Amazon river the 2nd longest river in the world?

Is the Amazon river the 2nd longest river in the world? Amazon River: Second longest and the largest by water flow Amazon River of South America is the second longest river in the world with a length of 6,400 km. But it is by far the largest river by water flow with an average discharge greater than the next seven largest rivers combined.

Is the Amazon river the second largest river in the world?

While there is some debate about its length, the river is generally believed to be at least 4,000 miles (6,400 km) long, which makes it the second longest river in the world after the Nile River in Africa. The Amazon is also famous for the rainforest found along its shores.

Which river is longer than the Amazon river?

For most of the last century, the Nile has been considered the world's longest river, at 4,132 miles (6,650 km) compared to the Amazon's 3,976 miles (6,400 km).

Is there more than 1 Nile river?

One tributary is called the White Nile, which starts in South Sudan, and the other is called the Blue Nile, which starts in Ethiopia. 4) The Blue Nile and White Nile merge together in the city of Khartoum in Sudan. From there, the river continues to flow north through Egypt and, finally, into the Mediterranean Sea.

Is Nile the longest river in the world?

1) Found in northeast Africa, the Nile has long been recognised as the longest river in the world – stretching a massive 6,695km!

Which country have 1,000 rivers?

Galicia occupies a particularly beautiful area of north-western Spain known as the land of the thousand rivers; this is thanks to the grid of waterways that flow down from its inland mountain ranges to its golden sandy beaches stretching all around the Bay of Biscay and along the Atlantic coastline.

What is the 7 largest river in the world?

The Ob-Irtysh River The seventh-longest river in the world is the Ob-Irtysh river system. The Ob River originates in western Siberia in the Altai Mountains and is met by the Irtysh River that begins in Mongolia and flows through China and Kazakhstan before entering Russia.

What are the 2 longest rivers in the world?

  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

What are the 5 longest rivers in the world?

A detailed description of the top 10 longest rivers in the world:
  • Nile River- (length- 6650 Km) ...
  • The Amazon River- (length- 6575 Km) ...
  • The Yangtze River- (length-6300 Km) ...
  • The Mississippi River- (length- 6275Km) ...
  • The Yenisei River- (length-5539 Km) ...
  • The Yellow River- (length- 5464 Km) ...
  • The Ob-Irtysh River- (length- 5410 Km)

Is Amazon or Nile longer?

The Encyclopedia Britannica gives the length of the Nile as 6,650 kilometers (4,132 miles), to 6,400 kilometers (3,977 miles) for the Amazon, measuring the latter from the headwaters of the Apurimac river in southern Peru.

What is the 3 largest river in the world?

3. Yangtze River - China. With a length of 3,915 miles, the Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world. It is also China's most important water system, culturally, historically and economically.

What is the number 1 longest river in the world?

The Nile is credited as the longest river in the world. Its main source is Lake Victoria in east central Africa. From its farthest stream in Burundi, it extends 6,695 km (4,160 miles) in length.

Where are the 10 longest rivers in the world?

The Top Ten: Longest Rivers of the World
  • Nile. Africa. 4,180.
  • Amazon. South America. 3,912.
  • Mississippi-Missouri-Red Rock. United States. 3,710.
  • Chang Jiang (Yangtze) China. 3,602.
  • Ob. Russia. 3,459.
  • Huang Ho (Yellow) China. 2,900.
  • Yenisei. Russia. 2,800.
  • Parana. South America. 2,795.

What river is bigger than the Amazon river?

The Encyclopedia Britannica gives the length of the Nile as 6,650 kilometers (4,132 miles), to 6,400 kilometers (3,977 miles) for the Amazon, measuring the latter from the headwaters of the Apurimac River in southern Peru.

Which country has most rivers?

Bangladesh has the highest number of rivers (about 700) and is known as the 'land of rivers'. Some major Rivers of Bangladesh are: Brahmaputra, Ganges, Suma, Atrai, Raidak, Mahananda, Teesta, Karnaphuli, Meghna and Bangshi among others.

Which is the deepest river in the world?

The Congo is the deepest river in the world. Its headwaters are in the north-east of Zambia, between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa (Malawi), 1760 metres above sea level; it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.