Is taxi driver ok for a 14 year old?

Is taxi driver ok for a 14 year old? Taxi Driver includes several scenes with sexual content and nudity. A 12-year-old prostitute plays an important role in the movie, and there is a disturbing scene where a gangster dances with and gropes the young girl. It is heavily implied that he has been raping and molesting her.

Is taxi driver too violent?

The Ending Was Too Violent Travis fulfills his John Wayne rescue fantasy by gunning down Iris' pimp (Harvey Keitel), her client, and a bouncer. Bullets tear through their flesh, blood erupts from their wounds and splatters everywhere.

Is Taxi Driver inappropriate?

The movies revolves around Travis saving a 13 year old girl that is a prostitute from a pimp. Swear words are constant throughout the entire movie.. The F bomb is said dozens of times, the C word is used once or twice. also words such as N*****, D*mn, h*** B****, a** are said.

Can a 13 year old watch taxi driver?

To reiterate: This is a great film, but most definitely not for kids.

What happens at end of taxi driver?

When interpreted literally, the 1976 film ends with a lonely taxi driver, Travis Bickle, saving an adolescent sex worker by killing her pimps, and then becoming a New York City hero who seemingly fulfilled his destiny.

Why is Travis so weird in Taxi Driver?

He hates the thugs and filth he sees on the streets while he drives yet he frequents porno theaters and his apartment is constantly a mess. He has a moral compass but again he suffers from insomnia, social awkwardness, and PTSD to a certain extent which leads him to the infamous shootout sequence.

Who played the 12 year old in Taxi Driver?

In addition to De Niro, the film's cast includes Cybill Shepherd, Albert Brooks, and a 12-year-old Jodie Foster as Iris, a child sex worker Bickle befriends on one of his insomnia-fueled cab runs.

Can a 14 year old take a taxi UK?

The UK does not have an age limit for children riding a taxi alone, and children aged 12 and older are safe to ride alone. However, as a parent, you should still consider several factors before allowing your child to do so.