Is St. Croix safe to travel alone?

Is St. Croix safe to travel alone? Is St Croix safe to travel alone? Yes, St Croix is generally considered safe to travel alone. However, as with any destination, it is important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings. Be sure to research the area before you travel and take the necessary safety precautions.

Is it better to stay in St. Croix or St Thomas?

Thomas, the most developed, is brimming with activities and world-class shopping. St. Croix, bigger but sleepier, is the place to go for diving, snorkeling, and beach life. Both extend a warm welcome and both have interesting culture away from the beach.

Is it safe to travel to St. Croix right now?

Yes, these Caribbean islands are fairly safe to visit. Be mindful that areas of St. John and St. Croix have increased in crime in recent years.

How do you stay safe in St. Croix?

We suggest that you use the same precautions you would whenever you are in an unfamiliar place: don't carry a lot of cash with you (there are plenty of ATM's on the island to resupply as you go), lock your doors at night, don't leave any valuables in your vehicle or on any beach unattended, don't walk into dark areas ...

Can you swim in St. Croix beaches?

St. Croix is ringed by beaches of all shapes and sizes, some are long white sand stretches, others are small patches shaded by low sea grape trees and towering coconut palms. Some have smooth sandy bottoms ideal for swimming, and others have rock and coral-lined entries perfect for snorkeling!

Is it safe to walk in St. Croix?

St Croix has no more of a crime problem than any other tourist destination. That is not to say there is no crime on the island, of course, St. Croix, like anywhere, is not crime free, so just take normal precautions. Almost 100% of the crime is locals against locals.

Is there much crime in St. Croix?

Crime rate per capita is one of the highest in the nation because of low population. Mostly local on local and usually drug related. Staying safe involves using common sense, just as anywhere. Do not go alone to remote spots.

Does St. Croix have partying?

While St. Croix is not known for it's nightlife, many restaurants, bars and hotels feature live music with everything from pop to reggae to jazz, including piano bars. You can also find several Traditional West Indian Dance and musical troupes. There are many other events and festivals held throughout the year.

Are mosquitos bad in St. Croix?

The risk for mosquito activity is extremely high. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when spending time outdoors to prevent bites. The risk for mosquito activity is high. Consider an EPA-registered repellent to deter mosquito bites.

Can you get around St. Croix without a car?

A full-service bus line operates throughout St. Croix. Taxi and Jeep services are readily available. Most taxi drivers are able to provide their passengers with comprehensive tours of their island.

Is it OK to drink tap water in St. Croix?

The water in town and at most hotels is perfectly safe to drink. If you are in doubt simply ask. The water at most of the villas on the island is collected rain water that is stored in cisterns below the villas. It may be safe to drink, but we recommend buying bottled water for drinking purposes.

Which US Virgin Island is the least touristy?

Although it's the largest of the three islands, St. Croix sees the fewest tourists, making it a great destination if you want a less commercialized Caribbean experience.