Is smoking going to be banned in Mexico?

Is smoking going to be banned in Mexico? Mexico has brought into force one of the world's strictest anti-tobacco laws by enacting a total ban on smoking in public places. The step, which was first approved in 2021, also includes a ban on tobacco advertising.

What are the new smoking restrictions in Mexico?

New legislation to curb the harms of tobacco is among the strongest in the world. Sharmila Devi reports. Public health experts have welcomed Mexico's ban on cigarette smoking in all public places, including hotels and beaches, after the introduction of new legislation on Jan 15, 2023.

Can you still smoke at resorts in Mexico?

Hotels in Mexico Must Provide “Smoke-Free” Rooms and Areas It is obligation and responsibility of the Hotel owner or manager to maintain a space that is 100% free of smoke. If a guest is found smoking in a smoke-free area, you will be asked to quit and to extinguish your cigarette or other electric smoking devices.

Can you smoke on beaches in Mexico?

Mexico now has one of the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world. As of Jan. 15, smoking is prohibited in almost all public places, even outdoor spaces like beaches and parks. If you're traveling to Mexico, reconsider lighting that cigar on the beach … or in any non-smoking area, as it could cost you.

Can I smoke in Cancun?

If you're planning a trip to Cancun, it might be best to leave the cigarettes at home. Mexico has just imposed a strict new law banning smoking in public places, including in hotels and on beaches. The legislation is some of the most restrictive of its kind worldwide.

Can you smoke at Adults Only resort in Mexico?

Can you smoke at Adults Only resort in Mexico? The law prohibits smoking in bars, restaurants, resorts, hotels, bus stops, stadiums, and beaches. Basically, there is no more smoking in public in Cancun and Mexico. The only exemptions to this law is smoking in private homes or private outdoor spaces.

Which country smokes the most cigarettes 2023?

Despite progress in tobacco control efforts, smoking remains a global public health concern with diverse patterns observed across countries. Certain countries stand out for their alarmingly high smoking rates. Nauru takes the lead with a staggering 48.50% of its population engaging in smoking habits.

How many boxes of cigarettes can you bring from Mexico? Alcohol and tobacco: Each traveler over 21 years of age may import up to one liter of alcoholic beverage and either 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or two kilograms of smoking tobacco for personal use.

Can you smoke in Mexico all inclusive?

Hotels in Mexico Must Provide “Smoke-Free” Rooms and Areas It is obligation and responsibility of the Hotel owner or manager to maintain a space that is 100% free of smoke. If a guest is found smoking in a smoke-free area, you will be asked to quit and to extinguish your cigarette or other electric smoking devices.

Can you smoke on your hotel balcony in Mexico?

The Government of Mexico has approved the new Law on Tobacco Control, the most wide-ranging in the Americas, which has forbidden national or foreign citizens from smoking in public spaces, such as beaches, resorts, patios, balconies, terraces, amusement parks, shopping malls, public transport, and entertainment centers ...

How much do cigarettes cost in Mexico?

As of January 2020, after Mexico increased its taxes on cigarettes, the average price of a Marlboro or Camel pack in the country amounted to approximately 63 Mexican pesos. In comparison, the cost of a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes was equal to 56 Mexican pesos.

Can tourists smoke in Mexico?

Under legislation passed in 2021, but only enforced at the start of 2023, smoking (including vapes / e-cigarettes) is now prohibited in the following situations: workplaces, public transport, schools, entertainment venues, hotels, stadiums, shopping malls, beaches, parks and amusement parks, Mayan sites, all religious ...