Is Simpsons ride scary?

Is Simpsons ride scary? How scary is The Simpsons Ride? We rate this ride two out of five Duff beers on our fear factor scale – it's a pretty straightforward simulator ride with a few moments of motion intensity.

Is the mummy ride scary?

It is a spooky/scary queue and coaster which makes it really cool and omnious which will build suspense, don't let it deter you! You can absolutely, 100% ride the Mummy if you enjoy Hagrids and Gringotts and I would highly recommend you do.

How bad is Forbidden Journey?

But it moves around so much. I am not a coaster person, but I would rather ride a coaster than ride this again. It is also really dark and scary. Not appropriate for kids at all, which is fine since they probably wouldn't be tall enough to ride this anyway.