Is selfie stick allowed in Burj Khalifa?

Is selfie stick allowed in Burj Khalifa? Tips for Visiting At the Top - Burj Khalifa Bring your camera and a selfie stick. As the highest observation deck in the world, the Burj Khalifa has plenty of photo opportunities. Use the on-site telescopes to help identify the Burj Khalifa's surrounding buildings and points of interest.

Are there no toilets in Burj Khalifa?

One of the world's most advanced buildings relies on an arcane method to transport wastewater to a treatment facility outside of town. So remember, if you happen to visit and use the Burj Khalifa's restroom, some unfortunate person has to collect your poop and drive it out of Dubai.

Can tourists hold hands in Dubai?

In Dubai, holding hands, hugging, and kissing in public is considered socially unacceptable and if caught indulging in such acts, you might land up in jail. Many foreigners have already suffered the consequences. Do not join the bandwagon. This is considered one of the most important things not to do in Dubai.

Who went to top of Burj Khalifa?

In the latest thriller, 5 people have scaled world's tallest building - the Burj Khalifa!
  1. Will Smith - Hollywood actor. ...
  2. Nicole Smith Ludvik - Professional sky diver. ...
  3. Sam Sunderland - British rally rider. ...
  4. Sheikh Hamdan - Crown prince of Dubai. ...
  5. Tom Cruise - Hollywood actor.

Can I wear flip flops to Burj Khalifa?

Yes, you can wear Flip Flops anywhere you go in Dubai. The only time you shouldn't wear them is if you're at a really nice hotel. It's also best not to wear them in the desert because they're very easy to lose in the sand dunes.

Do you need photo ID for Burj Khalifa?

Please bring a valid photo ID/passport with you as it is required to be displayed at the entrance. Please do not carry outside Food and Beverages at Burj Khalifa.

What is not allowed in Dubai as a tourist?

Swearing and making rude gestures (including online) are considered obscene acts and offenders can be jailed or deported. Take particular care when dealing with the police and other officials. Public displays of affection are frowned upon, and there have been several arrests for kissing in public.