Is Russian River safe for kids?

Is Russian River safe for kids? Kids in Life Vests, Always Most of Sonoma County's Russian River beaches do not have full-time lifeguards on duty, so we strongly recommend swimmers wear life vests, especially if you're not a strong swimmer or you're drinking alcohol. Children should always be in life vests when they're in the river.

Does the Russian River have toxic algae?

In recent years, attention has been drawn to the presence of Blue-Green Algae, or Cyanobacteria, at unsafe, high levels in the Russian River waters in late summer.

Is the Russian River polluted?

One of the greatest threats to water quality in the Russian River and most of the United States is polluted urban run-off. Urban areas have high amounts of what we call impervious surfaces such as driveways, parking lots, roads, rooftops that are hardened and do not absorb water.

Why is Russian River closed?

The closure is necessary for public safety due to planned construction involving extensive heavy machinery use. The campground is scheduled to remain closed until May 29, 2024, but may reopen sooner if progress allows.

Are there bears in the Russian River?

Brown and black bears sometimes appear on the river to scoop salmon from the water. The two-mile, wheelchair-accessible trail to the falls and viewing decks traverses mixed spruce-birch woods filled with forest birds.

Is it OK to swim in the Russian River?

Along its shoreline, you'll find several beaches that are perfect for swimming. Note: Due to the ever-changing nature of the water, we always recommend wearing a life jacket while wading or swimming in the Russian River.

Do you need water shoes for Russian River?

Sandals or water shoes are essential unless your feet are like leather. You'll appreciate a hat for the sun and a reusable water bottle as it gets warm along the river. Some lunch is always nice if planning a day on the river.

How far can you float on Russian River?

Where Does the Russian River Float Start and End? The Russian River is very long, 115 miles to be exact! It runs from Sonoma to Mendocino, but for tubing the Russian River purposes, it is recommended by Sonoma County that you do the 2-mile stretch from Steelhead Beach to Sunset Beach.