Is Rio a Carnival city?

Is Rio a Carnival city? But among Brazilian cities honoring the event, it's clear Rio gets the crown. Rio's Carnival is the biggest in the world: The city draws millions to its streets for the pre-Lenten celebration full of parades, colorful costumes, and, of course, samba.

Why is Rio de Janeiro Carnival?

Carnival was brought to Brazil by Portuguese colonizers between the 16th and 17th centuries, manifesting itself initially through the 'Entrudo', a popular festival where public games and lighthearted mockery would run wild in the streets.

Is it safe to go to Rio de Janeiro?

Most tourists who visit Rio have a great time and don't run into trouble. Most of the time, in terms of crime, tourists may encounter petty theft. Your cell phone might be snatched from your hand, for example. Although violent crimes do happen, they aren't common.