Is public transport available in Chennai?

Is public transport available in Chennai? Chennai has both flying trainsChennai Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) trains as well as local trains to connect the suburb and the city. The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) is a state-owned subsidiary of Indian Railways.

How can I get around in Chennai?

Getting around Chennai (Madras)
  1. Public transport. The suburban railway (daily 0500-2300) runs approximately every 10 to 15 minutes between Central Railway and the northern suburbs, from east to west, and from the eastern beach to the southern suburbs. ...
  2. Taxis. ...
  3. Driving. ...
  4. Car hire.

What is the best mode to travel in Chennai?

Once you reach Chennai, it is easy to travel to any part of the state by road or railways. From Chennai, you can travel to any part of the state via road or rail. Rail travel is the fastest way to get around while buses are the cheapest.

What is not allowed in Chennai Metro?

Don't carry firearms or knives. Don't bring pets inside Metro premises or trains. Don't smoke.

Is Chennai walkable?

To be a pedestrian in Chennai is sometimes no different from being in an obstacle course. Where footpaths exist, pedestrians have to often hop, skip, and jump over obstructions or broken platforms.

Is Chennai good for tourists?

It's no secret that Chennai is one of the best places to visit in India. It is home to the remarkable Tamil film industry and some of the most beautiful beaches in India. Some of the oldest temples in India are located in Chennai.

Do we have Metro in Chennai?

The Chennai Metro is a rapid transit system serving the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is the 4th longest metro system in India.