Is Providence street parking free?

Is Providence street parking free? Metered Parking The current meter rate is $1.25 per hour, or 25 cents for every 12 minutes. Short-term parking costs are $0.75 for 30 minutes or 25 cents for every 10 minutes.

Where can I park for free in Park City?

Free parking is available in the Sandridge and North Marsac lots adjacent to Marsac Avenue with 24-hour limits and overnight restrictions (see entrance signs). Please note that parking in these lots will be restricted during the Sundance Film Festival and Arts Festival.

Do you have to pay for parking at Providence Place?

Paid parking is available in the North Garage (off of Hayes St) and the South Garage (off of Park St.)

Do you have to pay for parking downtown Mobile?

Downtown Parking On-street parking is available for many of downtown's businesses and attractions. On certain streets, parking is free, with a two hour limit. The remaining metered parking is $1.00/hour. Additionally the city is served by several public parking decks and numerous privately operated surface lots.