Is pink noise real?
Is pink noise real? Pink noise is a sound that contains a random assortment of all the audible frequencies, with more power in the lower frequencies. Specifically, pink noise contains the same overall intensity in each octave. View Source , but the volume of individual pitches decreases by 3 decibels with each higher octave.
What is blue noise?
Blue noise is essentially the opposite of Brown noise ? its energy is concentrated at the high end of the spectrum, meaning it's all treble and no bass. An example might be a hissing water spray. You'd most commonly use blue noise to minimize distortions during sound engineering.
What does GREY noise do?
Think of gray noise as a more balanced take on white noise, emitting noise at both high and low frequencies. It's typically used to help people with tinnitus, whose sensitivity to everyday sounds can prevent them from falling asleep easily.