Is PIN required for contactless card?

Is PIN required for contactless card? No PIN or signature is typically required when using contactless payment, so if your card is lost or stolen it could be used by someone else without easy detection. This isn't a reason to leave your contactless cards at home.

Can I just tap my debit card?

Hold your card within 1–2 inches of the Contactless SymbolOpens Dialog on the terminal. Tap or hold your card flat over the Contactless Symbol, facing up, when prompted by the cashier or terminal. Some merchants may ask you to sign for the purchase, or to enter your PIN. Your payment should be completed in seconds.

What are the disadvantages of contactless payment?

Because contactless payments require neither PIN nor signature authorisation, lost or stolen contactless cards can be used to make fraudulent transactions.

What happens if someone used my contactless card?

What happens if someone else uses my contactless card? As with unauthorized charges to any other cards, the bank will be liable, not you. If you suspect any unauthorized transactions, report them immediately to your card issuer.