Is online waiting ticket valid to travel?

Is online waiting ticket valid to travel? While booking ticket, those get 'confirmed' status or 'RAC' (Reservation Against Cancellation) status they can travel on the journey date but those who get 'WL' status, they cannot travel on the ticket as they will not be given a seat/berth in the train.

Will WL 20 get confirmed?

We understand that having a confirmed train ticket is essential for a hassle-free journey. Based on the information provided, if your waiting list position is 20, the confirmed probability chance for your ticket is 100%. At EaseMyTrip, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to our customers.

Do airports accept e-tickets?

Yes! The only thing you'll need to check into your flight online is the confirmation code you got when you booked it, which doesn't usually appear on your e-ticket. And if you're checking in at the airport, the ticket agent will use your ID to find your ticket information in their computer system.

Can a passenger travel on an eticket which is partly confirmed and partly waitlisted?

Passengers with Confirmed E ticket are permitted to board the train. Their names will appear on the chart. Names of passengers with Partially Waitlisted/Confirmed/RAC will appear on the chart (including the Waitlisted passengers). They are allowed to board the train.

Can waitlisted passenger travel with confirmed passenger?

Originally Answered: In a ticket booked for 2 people, if one passenger gets a confirmed berth, and the other is still waitlisted after chart preparation, can the waitlisted passenger board the train? Yes, The other passenger can still board the train with partially confirmed ticket.

How does a waiting ticket work?

Waiting List or WL Ticket means that the passenger is on the waiting list and will not get a seat in the train. A Waiting List passenger is not allowed to travel in a reserved train. However, in unreserved coaches which are attached along, they can travel in those.

Do online tickets need to be printed?

Pros and cons of mobile + digital event tickets Digital tickets are delivered via email and can be printed out or shown on a device at the event. Mobile tickets are similar to digital tickets, but they're specifically designed to be displayed on a smartphone.

Can I show my ticket on my phone at the airport?

You might show the ticket for your flight if the check-in agent can't find the booking record simply with your ID document. But you'll need to show a boarding pass on your phone to pass security and get on to a plane.

Do I need boarding pass if I have eTicket?

To check in with an e-ticket you only need to provide a valid passport (for international flights) or government issued ID (domestic flights) so the agent can pull up your record in their system. The check-in agent then provides your boarding pass to take to the gate.

Can I show my e-ticket on my phone at airport?

You're only checked for e-ticket in some airports by the security, showing it from your phone is just fine, but it's more handy if you have a hard copy of it.

Is a screenshot of e-ticket valid?

The RDG later confirmed that screenshots of tickets may be accepted as valid tickets if the barcode can be validated by an inspector using a scanner, but it said this is not recommended as it increases the chances of the ticket becoming obscured and unreadable.

Can I show my e-ticket on my phone?

Yes. You can show your E-Ticket directly to the driver on your smartphone or device when boarding. This is the quickest and easiest way.