Is Nemesis coming back?

Is Nemesis coming back? Nemesis closed for the refurbishment on the 6 November 2022, and is scheduled to reopen in 2024. On 25 April 2023, Alton Towers released a video showcasing the new Nemesis track.

Is Nemesis closed 2023?

Nemesis closed for the refurbishment on the 6 November 2022, and is scheduled to reopen in March 2024. In April 2023, Alton Towers revealed the new Nemesis track, which is black with red veins painted along the side.

What is the new ride at Alton Towers 2023?

A haunting dark ride, taking you on a hair-raising journey through the spectacular twists and turns within the cursed Manor. The abandoned Alton Manor, repossessed under mysterious circumstances, invites you inside.

Why is Nemesis closed?

In January 2022, Alton Towers submitted a successful application proposing that the majority of the roller coaster be retracked for maintenance reasons, including replacing 89 of the 117 support columns. Nemesis closed for the refurbishment on the 6 November 2022, and is scheduled to reopen in March 2024.

What is the fastest ride at Alton Towers 2023?

The Rita Rollercoaster Rita powers you straight to 100kph in just 2.5 seconds, putting your body through 4.7G.

Is Nemesis going to reopen?

Nemesis will be closed throughout 2023, after operating for the final time in its original form on the last day of the 2022 season. The refurbished ride will then reopen in 2024, when Nemesis will be 30 years old.

Is Nemesis still human?

As with the original, the remake Nemesis also mutates after suffering heavy damage. However the development team chose to give it a more animalistic, quadrupedal body with diminished intelligence, the in-universe reasoning being that the parasite could no longer maintain a humanoid form.

Is Nemesis Sub-Terra returning?

Extended closure and reopening The attraction made use of most the interior of the original attraction and was themed around a viral outbreak, where test subjects had developed animalistic qualities. Following months of speculation, the ride reopened on 27 May 2023.