Is Munich walkable?

Is Munich walkable? Munich is an extremely walkable city. The old town and surrounding areas can easily be explored on foot, as can all of the city's parks, and the main shopping area is completely pedestrianized.

Where not to stay in Munich?

When you ask locals which district or quarter to avoid, they will come up with districts like “Hasenbergl”, “Neuperlach” or “Am Hart”. Some of these quarters had social problems and a high unemployment rate, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s but things have changed.

Is Berlin or Munich better?

Berlin vs Munich: The main differences. Munich is the most affluent region in Germany, while Berlin is a vibrant hot pot of many different cultures and expats. Munich is very clean, quite expensive, you can experience a lot of traditional cultures, and the bavarian food & beer is quite famous throughout the world.