Is Morocco a beautiful country?

Is Morocco a beautiful country? While Morocco draws in visitors for its cities and the Saharan desert primarily, the country also has a beautiful coastline filled with stunning beaches that are perfect for a relaxing vacation.

What is the best month to go to Morocco?

The best time to visit Morocco is during spring (mid-March to May) or fall (September to October). The weather is warm but pleasant, unlike the cold temperatures and snow of winter, or the scorching heat of summer. The coastal regions can be visited year-round.

Is Morocco a nice country?

Our overall impression walking away from Morocco is that it's a beautiful and fascinating country, but with some unique challenges for tourists. We've heard from a number of seasoned travelers that they're glad they visited Morocco, and that they don't feel the need to return particularly soon.

Is 2 weeks in Morocco too much?

Two weeks in Morocco is enough time for a proper grand tour, from the souks of Fes and Marrakesh to the glittering Sahara, High Atlas mountains, and windy Atlantic coast.

Can tourists kiss in Morocco?

If you are a foreign couple visiting and you kiss no one is likely going to say anything to you – kissing in Morocco is not illegal. However if one partner is Moroccan you may face additional scrutiny. While you might not get in trouble, it is highly frowned on to kiss or fondle each other in public.

Is it worth it to go to Morocco?

Morocco is an incredible destination. At times, it was trying, stressful, chaotic, and overloaded my senses, but for all the stresses of travel, it was a country where I felt out of my element and like I was truly somewhere new and different. I loved that feeling and everything else about Morocco.

Is Morocco cheap or expensive?

It's not as busy as the high season, so you can often get good deals on accommodations and tours, but the weather is generally more pleasant than in the peak summer heat or the chill of winter. A piece of advice: Morocco is not expensive so even if you visit during the high season, it won't really cost a lot.

What is not allowed in Morocco?

Sexual acts between members of the same sex, or outside marriage, are illegal. Possessing pornographic material is also illegal. Understand and follow local laws. Morocco has strict laws around religion, the monarchy, alcohol, photography and drone use.

Is Morocco cheap when there?

Accommodation in Morocco is affordable compared to Europe or North America, and the value for money is often much higher. There are plentiful budget accommodation options, from hostels to homestays. For those with more to spend, charming riads and luxury palatial hotels are well-priced and offer a memorable experience.

Which is safer Turkey or Morocco?

I have been to both countries. In my opinion, Turkey is much safer and more attractive than Morocco. The heritage, architecture, food and atmosphere are more magical in Turkey.

Why Morocco is a beautiful country?

From beautiful beaches to stunning deserts and imposing mountains, Morocco's diverse geography makes it it one of the world's most alluring countries.

How safe is Morocco for female tourists?

In short, YES! Morocco is a safe country to visit for female travelers. As with all destinations, my best advice is to remain vigilant. The main crimes you need to watch out for are pickpockets and scams.

Is Morocco welcoming to tourists?

Morocco remains a vibrant and welcoming destination,” he said. “However, we encourage visitors to be mindful of their surroundings and exercise respect for the local communities' particular circumstances.

What is considered rude in Morocco?

So it is considered incredibly rude to eat, shake hands, give a gift, or leave a tip with your left hand. If you get invited to a local's home for tea during your tour of Morocco, be especially careful to only touch your cup and any fruit or bread that may be offered with your right hand.

Does Morocco have a beach?

With more than 1,000 miles of coastline spanning both its Atlantic and Mediterranean shores, Morocco has countless fine beaches. The Atlantic coast in particular is noted for its excellent surfing.

Why do tourists like to visit Morocco?

Morocco: Lively markets, desert treks, hiking to remote waterfalls, and beach days are just some of the wonders Morocco has in store. You can surf on the coast, sip some mint tea in the medina, and explore the ruins scattered throughout its many cities.

Is it safe to walk around Marrakech?

The truth is Marrakech rarely has violent crimes and when it does happen, these cases almost never target tourists. You can walk around the city with good peace of mind knowing that the chances of getting attacked or mugged are very small.

How many days in Morocco is enough?

How Much Time SHould You Spend in Morocco? Two weeks is really the ideal amount of time to visit Morocco. However, you can definitely get a very good feel for the country with just one week or, even better, at least 10 days.

Why do people love Morocco?

Morocco should be on the top of any traveller's bucket list – not only does this African beauty boast grand history and culture, it has some of the best and most diverse landscapes and scenery, as well as ancient medinas and an array of epic activities.

Can you drink alcohol in Morocco?

Morocco allows the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol must be purchased and consumed in licensed hotels, bars, and tourist areas. You can also buy alcohol in most major supermarkets. The alcohol section is usually in a separate room from the main supermarket.