Is middle name included in birth certificate?

Is middle name included in birth certificate? Unless you've had a legal name change after your birth certificate was prepared, your “full legal name” is EXACTLY what's printed on your birth certificate. All of it, not part of it. A middle name, if you have one on your birth certificate or a subsequent name change document, is part of your full legal name.

What name goes on passport?

The passport is a federally issued identification document so be sure to use your full legal name. Middle names can be tricky when filling out your passport application, but don't let that be the one factor that holds you back. A middle initial is acceptable on your passport instead of providing the full middle name.

What counts as your middle name?

Your middle name is the name that comes between your first name and your surname. His middle name is Justin. You can use middle name in expressions such as `discretion was her middle name' and `his middle name is loyalty' to indicate that someone always behaves with a great deal of a particular quality.

What happens if you forget to put your middle name on a plane ticket?

In some cases, your middle name might even fall off the boarding pass entirely. So long as your name in your booking — not your boarding pass — matches your ID, you should be okay. In case of uncertainty, promptly contact your airline's customer service to avoid any potential issues, advises Thai.