Is Maui from Moana a god?

Is Maui from Moana a god? Created by directors Ron Clements and John Musker, and voiced by Dwayne Johnson, Maui is loosely based on Maui from Hawaiian mythology. In the film, Maui is depicted as a demigod who was abandoned by his parents and eventually adopted by the gods.

How is Moana a demigod?

However, the ocean doesn't just let her do this unscathed. Instead, it tosses her into a brutal storm for some reason, and the next thing you know she wakes up on Demigod Island to hear a song called You're Welcome, which is essentially about the powers of demigods (specifically Maui). She is a demigod at this point.

How old is Maui in human years?

If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Maui is an ancient immortal deity whose age cannot be precisely determined.