Is Lake Como clean water?

Is Lake Como clean water? The water quality is GOOD on the beaches in the villages marked 1 to 31. The water quality on Lake Como is regularly checked by the local health authority Azienda Sanitaria Locale ; checked. Samples are taken twice a month at around 42 locations and are carefully examined.

What is the cursed island Lake Como?

In 1169, the Bishop Vidulf of Como put a curse on Isola Comacina, (Isola Comense or Cumana as it was known). ?No longer shall bells ring, no stone shall be put on stone, nobody shall be host, under pain of unnatural death.? Ever since, inhabitants of the island have been trying to exorcise the curse.

Why do people love Lake Como?

Lake Como is a popular tourist destination located in the Lombardy region of Italy. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, historic villas, and picturesque towns. Visitors to Lake Como can enjoy a variety of activities, including boating, hiking, and exploring the local culture and cuisine.

Are there animals in Lake Como?

In brief we are now confident in claiming that Lake Como hosts at least one well-established wild wolf-pack. There may also be a previously unrecorded pack inhabiting the Valsolda to the north of Porlezza. In addition, there have been some occasional sightings of lone wolves elsewhere in the province.

Why does Lake Como never freeze?

In fact, Lake Como always tends to be clement, despite being framed by snow-capped mountains, despite being so close to Switzerland. Palm trees and tropical plants thrive in its shielded climate, where the lake is so deep that it never freezes.

Is it safe to walk around Como at night?

Lake Como is generally quite safe at night. The area is well-policed and violent crime is relatively rare. That being said, it's always important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially when traveling alone. Keep your belongings close and try to stick to well-lit, populated areas whenever possible.

Is Lake Como water cold?

Average Lake Como temperatures range from -5 – +5°C (23 – 41°F) in winter to 20 – 30°C (68 – 86°F) in summer.

Is Como safe to walk at night?

This is a general recommendation for any unfamiliar area, but should be followed in Lake Como as well. If staying with a group is not an option, make sure to remain in lighted areas and take safe modes of transportation (car or taxi). Walking alone at night is never a good idea, especially for women.

Can you drink tap water in Lake Como?

The tap water in Lake Como is safe to drink and even quite healthy as it comes from the alps.

Is Lake Como fresh or salt water?

Located near Milan, the serene waters of the glacial Lake Como in Italy makes for the deepest freshwater lake in the country and has a distinctive shape resembling the stem of a catapult. The lake is surrounded by a number of resort villages that provide one with classy hotels and vistas.

Are there water snakes in lake Como?

adders are found in the countryside, and water snakes are found in the water. But both are common, as any outdoorsy person knows.

Is Lake Como very expensive?

It does not have to be expensive, but can be if you want it to be expensive. Typically I pay abot €11 for lunch in a bar and about €15 for dinner in a trattoria for dinner in the evening (both including wine). Restaurants will be more expensive.

What food is Lake Como known for?

As much of Lake Como's culture and activities are focused on the water, so is the cuisine. Fish is a staple of the area with the most popular fish considered to be lavarello, but other often consumed fish include shad, perch, pike fillets, maltagliati, tench, and eel.

Are beaches free in Lake Como?

FREE ENTRY. It is a grassy beach that offers a magnificent view of Isola Comacina, the only island on Lake Como (that can be reached from the nearby pier). Access to the beach is free and it is possible to take a break, have lunch or an aperitif in the well-stocked bar and restaurant.

Why is Lake Como so special?

The area around Lake Como has a rich historical heritage. It was a popular retreat for Roman aristocrats and later served as a place of inspiration for writers, poets, and philosophers. The region's history and culture have left their mark on the architecture, art, and traditions of the area.

Is Lake Como a clean lake?

The water quality is GOOD on the beaches in the villages marked 1 to 31. The water quality on Lake Como is regularly checked by the local health authority Azienda Sanitaria Locale ; checked.

Which side of Lake Como is best?

The western shore of Italy's most celebrated and arguably most beautiful lake, is generally considered the superior one.