Is kissing legal in Maldives?

Is kissing legal in Maldives? Public display of affection (PDA) is not illegal but is frowned upon in the Maldives. Especially in local places with fewer tourists; it's ideal to always maintain a decent distance between one another. Due to the Maldives being a Muslim country, acting intimately in public places may make the locals uncomfortable.

Can you wear a cross in Maldives?

Can you wear a cross in Maldives? There are some other suggested precautions and preparations for traveling to the Maldives. They include: Do not wear/bring religious symbols (crosses, statues, etc.) or documents (e.g. Bible) into a Moslem country.

What is not allowed in Maldives?

It is an offence to import the following items into Maldives: explosives, weapons, firearms, ammunition, pornographic material, materials deemed contrary to Islam including 'idols for worship' and bibles, pork and pork products, and alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are only available on resort islands.

What are some unique laws in Maldives?

Local laws
It's illegal to import or drink alcohol unless you're on a resort island. It's illegal to publicly observe any religion other than Islam. Don't import pornography or pork products. Maldives recognises dual citizenship.

Is it illegal to be shirtless in the Maldives?

Men also need to be aware of appropriate clothing and don't forget modesty is still expected. Men cannot walk around shirtless, or wearing excessively tight clothing. On public beaches and excursions, men and women should be covered and likely not in traditional revealing swimwear.

Can I stay with my girlfriend in Maldives?

If you're a tourist visiting the archipelago with your partner, there won't be an issue. Maldives is a famous honeymoon destination amongst travellers, but that doesn't mean you have to be legally wedded to share a room or enjoy a vacation in the country.

Can you kiss in public in Maldives?

Public displays of affection, such as kissing or hand-holding, are illegal. Alcohol is illegal, too, though it is available and can be consumed on resort islands. Homosexuality is also illegal in this island nation.

Can you have tattoos in Maldives?

There may be a place in Male that does tattoos but to my knowledge, Maldivians tend to get their tattoos done outside of the country. In any case, there are no Maldivian 'tribal styles' for you to get tattooed with as it's not part of this country's culture.

What is the legal drinking age in the Maldives?

What is the legal drinking age in the Maldives? There isn't a specific age being implemented at the resorts but as rule of thumb, since 18 year olds and above are considered adults, if the parents give their consent, they will be able to drink alcoholic beverages.

Can you sneak alcohol into Maldives?

The Maldives is a conservative Islamic society and, with the exception of resorts, is officially “dry”. Don't try to sneak bargain booze into the country because on arrival your luggage is X-rayed. Customs will politely confiscate bottles but return them, unopened, on departure.