Is Kenya safe for white female?

Is Kenya safe for white female? Kenya, like many places can have safety concerns particularly during late hours, and general advice would recommend avoiding walking alone at night. This is especially true in isolated areas, although busy well-lit areas can be relatively safer.

Are people in Kenya friendly?

Kenyan people are quite sociable and friendly.

Is Kenya safe for white tourists?

We advise: Exercise a high degree of caution in Kenya overall due to the high crime levels and the threat of terrorist attack. Higher levels apply in some areas.

What is the best currency to take to Kenya?

The US dollar is the best currency to carry when traveling to Kenya. It's more stable against the Kenya shilling than the Pound and the Euro and the easiest to convert into the Dollar to shilling via local Forex bureaus or banks. The prevailing Kenya currency to USD exchange rate is approximately USD 1 for Ksh.

What are the disadvantages of living in Kenya?

Moving to Kenya is not without its challenges, however. While Kenya is generally stable politically, rising unemployment, high crime rates and inconsistent provision of utilities mean that living in Kenya can often be difficult, even for the most experienced expats.

Is it safe to walk in Nairobi?

Nairobi has heavy traffic, so keep that in mind if you opt to drive. Since walking is typically not considered safe for foreigners, using a licensed taxi is the best way to navigate around the city.