Is it worth going to Aiguille du Midi?

Is it worth going to Aiguille du Midi? The Aiguille du Midi summer views are some of the best in Chamonix, France. Up here at the top of Europe you can see for miles in every direction. Even down. Experiencing the Aiguille du Midi is a must on the list of awesome things to do in Chamonix and I doubt you'll be able to find anyone who disagrees.

Is Chamonix France worth visiting?

Chamonix, France has it all and deserves a spot on your travel list. It's easy to get there, easy to find accommodations, and is inexpensive when compared to most North American mountain towns.

What are the best months to visit Chamonix?

If you're coming for hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking, or looking for marmottes… then the summer months of June, July, August and September are the ideal time for you. The temperatures are pleasant and the snow and ice have melted enough for the paths and crags to be accessible for all activities.

Do I need cash in Chamonix?

It is advisable to exchange some cash before arriving in Chamonix. VAT is currently at 20%. There are reduced rates of 10% (restaurant food, attraction entry fee, public transport) and 5.5% (essential foodstuffs, books, concerts).

What do you wear to Aiguille du Midi?

All year round we recommend wearing warm clothes to visit the top of the Aiguille du Midi, sometimes the temperature will be more than 20ºC colder than the town centre so you'll need to wrap up even in summer.

What is the busiest month in Chamonix?

August is the busiest time of year for Chamonix – busier than even New Year or half term week.

How much time to spend at Aiguille du Midi?

How long does a visit to the Aiguille du Midi take? An average trip on the summit lasts around two to three hours, although it can be closer to five if you're taking your time looking around. You can take as long as you like on a visit although in winter the last lift up is at 15:00 and the last decent at 16:30.