Is it worth going inside the Sistine Chapel?

Is it worth going inside the Sistine Chapel? The Sistine Chapel is one of the most visited attractions in Vatican City and Rome in general. A masterpiece by Michelangelo and a space of great religious significance for Catholics, the Sistine Chapel is a must see for art lovers and pilgrims.

What is the controversy with the Sistine Chapel?

The controversy over nudity in the Sistine Chapel continued after Michelangelo's death. The artist Daniele da Volterra was hired to cover up some of the genitals in The Last Judgement by adding fig leaves and loincloths, which earned him the nickname “Il Braghettone” (“The breeches maker”).

Are cell phones allowed in Sistine Chapel?

The use of mobile phones is forbidden in the Sistine Chapel.

How strict is the Sistine Chapel?

It's forbidden to show up with bare sleeves. In summer the solution can be to bring a cardigan or a shoulder cover to wear inside the Museums. Pants or skirts must cover up to the knee. It is absolutely forbidden to wear a top that leaves the belly open.

Can you wear jeans in the Sistine Chapel?

The Vatican has a dress code that some travellers might not be aware of when visiting. Luckily if you're planning on wearing jeans to the Vatican, you definitely can! When you plan to visit, it's best to keep your knees and shoulders covered. And for footwear, you will need flat shoes, not flip-flops or casual sandals.

What can you not do in the Sistine Chapel?

Rules for the visit Taking pictures and filming videos in the Sistine Chapel is strictly prohibited.It is allowed to take pictures without flash inside the Vatican Museums. The cloakroom service is free of charge.

Do you go to the Vatican museum first or Sistine Chapel?

The Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel are visited on one ticket. You will enter the Sistine Chapel through the Vatican Museums, so if you only want to see the Sistine Chapel, you will have to walk through the Vatican Museums first.

Can I bring a water bottle into the Vatican?

There is a security check as you enter into the Vatican museums so it is important that you only bring a plastic bottle. Glass bottles will be taken from you or you will be forced to leave them in the locker room.

Do you have to wear pants in the Sistine Chapel?

Trousers at least knee-length. In summer it is possible to wear short trousers but the knee must be covered. It is considered bad manners to wear the hat inside the Museums.

What do you wear to the Sistine Chapel?

It is preferable to wear long trousers and long-sleeved shirts. Hats, low-cut or sleeveless dresses, shorts, miniskirts are not allowed. Torn trousers and T-shirts are not recommended. You can buy plastic capes to wrap around to cover your knees and shoulders.

Can I wear sandals to the Sistine Chapel?

Flat shoes: It is not expressly forbidden, but it is not recommended to visit the Vatican in flip-flops or casual sandals. Dress as if you're going to church!

What time should I go to Sistine Chapel?

The best time to visit the Sistine Chapel is around 1:00 pm on weekdays or early in the morning by queuing up before opening. To enjoy the visit with fewer people we recommend: not to go on the last Sunday of the month (when entrance is free);

What happens if you take pictures inside the Sistine Chapel?

If you are seen using any of these things, guards have the right to confiscate your camera or phone, and request the immediate cancellations of any video or photographic material produced.