Is it too hot to holiday in Dubai in August?

Is it too hot to holiday in Dubai in August? It's going to be quite hot this month, so you might want to avoid going out during the day or participating in fun activities that allow you to cool down a bit. If you're looking for some fun indoor activities during the day, consider visiting either the Dubai Aquarium or the Lost Chambers Aquarium.

What is the hottest month in Dubai?

August is typically the hottest month of the year in Dubai. It should be noted though, that despite the rocketing temperatures, there are still great things to do during summer in Dubai.

Is Dubai unbearable in August?

Dubai's location in the United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf coast means it gets hot weather all year round. August's the hottest month with temperatures reaching over 40ºC, and there's usually no rain, so only go if you love the heat.

Is Dubai too hot for a summer holiday?

Is Dubai too hot in summer? This really depends on your tolerance to heat and what you want to do in Dubai. If you're looking for a beach vacation full of days on the beach and playing in the water with the kids, you may be better off waiting for the weather to cool a little from October through April.

Which month is not good to visit Dubai?

Worst Times to Visit Dubai Unlike most places in the world, June to August are the worst months to visit the city as temperatures are unbearably hot with highs that can reach over 105 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of only around 90 degrees. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Dubai was 131 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is it too hot to swim in Dubai?

You will need to be mindful that the salty waters of the Gulf can be too hot for swimming in over the summer (32-35°C/90-95°F); it will feel more like spa water than a refreshing break.

How long do you need in Dubai?

If you're interested in planning a Dubai itinerary, then staying about five days is the best amount of time to visit all of the tourist hotspots in this illustrious Middle Eastern gem. From luxury to style to architecture, Dubai really has it all—including the tallest building in the whole world: the Burj Khalifa.

Why is Dubai so cheap in August?

Temperatures soar from May to August, so hotel prices drop and crowds disperse. This is an excellent time to visit if you enjoy extreme heat, or plan to spend most of your time inside the air-conditioned shopping malls.

Is Dubai heat unbearable?

August is the peak summer month in Dubai with the average day temperature staying above 40 degrees Celsius. The outdoors are unbearable with scorching heat and is not recommended to venture out.

Is Dubai bearable in summer?

Dubai tends to be extremely hot and humid in the months of July and August, with temperatures hitting around 45 °C (113 °F), and with lows of barely less than 30 °C (86 °F), making it the most unpleasant time to visit Dubai.

What should I wear in Dubai in August?

Here are some tips on how to dress in Dubai in summer: If you're visiting Dubai in summer, pack clothing that is light and breezy fabrics that won't cling to your skin and will allow you to breathe. Cotton and linen work well on such days, and light colors absorb less heat when you're outdoors.

Can you swim in Dubai in summer?

Swimming is still best tackled early morning and late afternoon/evenings. The same cannot be said for the ocean, however! You will need to be mindful that the salty waters of the Gulf can be too hot for swimming in over the summer (32-35°C/90-95°F); it will feel more like spa water than a refreshing break.

How safe is Dubai for tourists?

GENERAL SAFETY IN DUBAI There's not much dispute that Dubai is quite safe for tourists. Dubai is heavily monitored, so violent crime directed at tourists is rare. Most tourist-directed crime in Dubai is likely to be petty stuff like pickpocketing, scams, or sexual harassment.

How to survive August in Dubai?

Here are some essential tips to avoid the searing summer heat in Dubai:
  1. Wear Summer-friendly Clothing. ...
  2. SPF is Your Best Friend. ...
  3. Shield Your Eyes. ...
  4. Stay Hydrated. ...
  5. Eat Small Portions Frequently. ...
  6. Beach or Pool it's All Cool. ...
  7. Stay Indoors. ...
  8. Avoid Cold Showers.

Can you wear shorts in Dubai?

Local families are often shopping at malls across Dubai so you're going to want to dress appropriately. You can wear shorts in Dubai and even skirts, if they are at knee length and not shorter than that. Just be mindful of the fact that there are a lot of families and children there.