Is it safe to swim Fitzroy Island?

Is it safe to swim Fitzroy Island? The waters of Fitzroy Island are calm and tranquil, making it an ideal place to have a dip, a dive or even a snorkel below the water's surface.

Can tourists swim in the Great Barrier Reef?

A: It is safe to swim all year round in Cairns, Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef but it is highly recommended that you wear a lycra suit when entering the water in the warmer months of November-April.

Can I wear a wetsuit instead of a stinger suit?

A wetsuit is actually a thicker fabric than a stinger suit, so you would not need a stinger suit too. However, if you are going to be swimming in the tropics, a wetsuit would be too hot to wear and so you would wear a stinger suit...

Do I need a stinger suit in Cairns?

We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits – regardless of the time of year – as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

Is Cairns Lagoon clean?

Located on the foreshore of the Trinity Harbour front, the Cairns Lagoon has sandy shores and timber decking surrounding the 4800 square meter salt water swimming pool. The water that fills the state-of-the-art swimming facility is pumped in from the Trinity Inlet and cleansed through a high tech filtration system.

Can you get stung through a stinger suit?

Having said that, you should always try to avoid swimming in waters with jellyfish where possible. The suit provides an extra layer of protection but that doesn't mean it's 100% full proof when it comes to preventing jellyfish stings.

Is it safe to swim in Cairns Lagoon?

The Cairns Lagoon is a popular swimming facility located along the Cairns Esplanade in the Central Business District. This 4800 square metre saltwater swimming lagoon offers an all-year-round, safe, swimming location without stingers and crocodiles.