Is it safe to live in Merida Yucatan?

Is it safe to live in Merida Yucatan? Pro: It's the Safest City in Mexico Merida Mexico crime rates are the lowest in the country, as it's among the safest cities in Mexico. In fact, CEOWorld magazine called Merida the second safest city on the continent after Quebec City, Canada — while not a single U.S. city made their Top 50 Safest Cities list!

Do you need a car in Merida Mexico?

For travelers who do not plan to leave the city of Mérida, a rental car can still be useful but likely isn't necessary given the walkability of the city and the availability of cabs, buses and Uber. If you do choose to rent a car, reserving it ahead of your trip will likely save you money.

What are the cons of living in Merida Mexico?

Merida is also known for its colonial architecture, archaeological sites, and beautiful beaches. On the other hand, the cons of living in Merida include its high crime rate, lack of public transportation, and limited job opportunities. Additionally, the city can be quite hot and humid during the summer months.

Is it safe to walk around Merida at night?

In general, Merida isn't really any less safe at night than during the day. The thing to keep in mind is that alcohol consumption (and overconsumption!) makes all situations and places less safe. If you're going out late at night, stick to Centro Historico (Downtown) and Paseo Montejo.