Is it safe to have ice in drinks in Egypt?

Is it safe to have ice in drinks in Egypt? It's important to stay hydrated while traveling in Egypt, but drinking tap water isn't recommended. Remember to avoid drinks with ice and to peel fruit before eating it, too.

Can I brush teeth with tap water in Egypt?

Water is not properly filtered, It is also not advisable to brush your teeth with tap water in certain areas of Egypt, including Dahab. Buy bottled water and use that to brush your teeth.

Should I bring cash or card to Egypt?

Cash is King in Egypt For best rates go to the nearest currency exchange shops or banks, and these are readily available across all Egyptian cities. Exchange shops have shorter waiting lines than banks. NOTE: you now need your passport with you at both exchange shops and banks.

What do Egyptians use instead of toilet paper?

Besides that, the plumbing in Egypt isn't always set up to accommodate balls of toilet paper. Egyptians prefer to use a shatafa, a little bidet sprayer, which may be attached to the toilet bowl or the wall via a small hose. A knob allows the user to turn on the spray of water and get things nice and clean down there.

Can you hold hands in Sharm El Sheikh?

Too many tourists do, and end up making little contact with an extraordinarily friendly people. Even in response to insistent offers or demands, try to avoid being rude or aggressive in refusing. Intimate behaviour in public (kissing and cuddling) is a no-no, and even holding hands is disapproved of.

How do you not get diarrhea in Egypt?

If you cannot boil your water, opt for treated or bottled water instead. The risk of Travellers' Diarrhea can also be minimized by following good hygiene practices. Make sure to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap, especially before preparing or eating food and after using the bathroom.

Is it safe to take a shower in Egypt?

While tap water in Egypt is considered safe for showering and brushing your teeth, it contains high levels of chlorination and isn't advised for drinking. The safest option is to drink bottled water which is widely available but always check that the seal is intact.

Is food poisoning common in Egypt?

Once again this popular holiday destination is gearing up to be a hotbed for claims concerning E. coli, Salmonella, Shigellosis and other strains of travel sickness often linked to contaminated food.

What should I avoid in Egypt?

Things You Should Avoid in Egypt
  • Don't be intimidated by vendors. ...
  • Don't ride camels or horses in distress. ...
  • Don't dress too provocative. ...
  • Respect the entry into religious places. ...
  • Give respect and distance to Egyptian women. ...
  • Don't drink alcohol on the street. ...
  • Don't be afraid of local people. ...
  • Get information from trusted sources.

Should I take toilet paper to Egypt?

As you might expect, toilet paper is rarely provided except occasionally when a toilet attendant may give it to you for a small cost. Soap isn't very common either, and so carrying both toilet paper and a small bottle of hand sanitiser is a good practice to get into.

Can I wear flip flops in Egypt?

Egyptian women will sometimes wear either normal clothes when swimming, or a specific swimsuit that covers their hair and skin. For shoes, women often wear sandals or tennis shoes. Flip flops are worn in the home only (they are considered like a house slipper).

Should I carry my passport in Egypt?

You need prior permission to bring drones into the country. During Ramadan, you must eat, drink or smoke discreetly. NOTE: You must always have your identification documents, such as your passport, for verification purposes by the local authorities.

What should I be careful of in Sharm El Sheikh?

South Sinai Terrorists have also kidnapped foreign nationals. Many bombings directly targeted tourists and their transport. If you travel to South Sinai: avoid road travel outside of Sharm El Sheikh.

How can I avoid getting sick in Egypt?

To protect yourself from illness:
  1. drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids.
  2. don't swim in fresh water, including the Nile River, to avoid waterborne diseases, such as bilharzia (schistosomiasis) (World Health Organization)
  3. avoid contact with dogs and cats.

How much do you tip in Egypt?

Tipping 10–15% of your bill total is customary at cafes and restaurants, and loose change is acceptable for food purchases from street vendors and markets. Often known as 'backsheesh' in parts of Asia and the Middle East, tipping is standard practice in Egypt.