Is it safe to go to Krakow at the moment?

Is it safe to go to Krakow at the moment? Is Krakow safe to visit right now? With Poland ranking 17th most peaceful country in Europe and 24th in the world on the 2021 Global Peace Index, you can ensure a safe and trouble-free visit to one of its major cities.

What is the dress code in Krakow?

However, it's wise to bring a light jacket for sitting outside bars later in the evening. Layering is always a good idea, so pack some long-sleeved tops and sweaters to go along with your jeans. In summary, the Krakow dress code is predominantly casual, allowing you to enjoy the nightlife with ease and comfort.

Where not to stay in Krakow?

Areas to avoid in Krakow include some of the old residential areas and the city's outskirts. There are also interesting tourist destinations in places further out. A perfect example is the raw architecture of Nowa Huta. This utopian district will melt the heart of every photographer and history lover.

Can you wear shorts to Auschwitz?

There are no specific clothing restrictions at Auschwitz. However, visitors are expected to dress appropriately out of respect for the memory of the victims. Avoid wearing clothing items with slogans, offensive prints, or anything that could be seen as disrespectful.