Is it safe to go to Aruba right now?

Is it safe to go to Aruba right now? Aruba is very happy to be welcoming visitors to our One Happy Island once again. All travellers to Aruba are subject to health requirements and protocols. Please read the information on the following pages carefully if you are travelling to, visiting, or leaving Aruba.

Why is everything so expensive in Aruba?

Shipping costs, along with import duties and residual costs such as labor, result in prices somewhat higher than what you might find back home. So next time you're in Aruba and the cost of food strikes you, remember that the higher prices are a fundamental part of helping you have a worry-free and enjoyable holiday.

What is the best time to visit Aruba?

The best time to visit Aruba is from mid-January through May. Those months mark the heart of Aruba's dry season and the island's long stretch of comfortably warm, sunny days. The island lies in the far south of the Caribbean, below the hurricane belt, the region most affected by seasonal storms.

What are the negatives of Aruba?

Cons: Dry, desert-like and not lush and tropical (which refers back to the Pros of being outside the hurricane belt and not getting a ton of rain!) Not a big island, so exploring (if that's what you like) probably won't take as long as it would in other larger locations.

Are beaches in Aruba safe?

In Aruba, almost all beaches have no lifeguard so you need to seek advice before you swim. Swimming alone is not safe. Never swim alone. Make sure you always have enough energy to swim back to shore.

What is the most expensive month to go to Aruba?

High season is considered to be June, July and August. The cheapest month to fly from the United States is January.

Is Aruba the safest Caribbean island?

Aruba consistently ranks as one of the safest islands in the Caribbean and has a “first-world” modern infrastructure that makes visitors comfortable and confident. While achieving “Status Aparte” decades ago, today Aruba remains a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

What is the busiest month in Aruba?

When it's cold and wintery in North America, demand for Aruba's warmth and sunshine peaks. Roughly speaking, the island's high season runs from mid-December to mid-April.

Are the beaches in Aruba swimmable?

In general, Aruba beaches have exceptionally clear blue water and soft white sand, and they're great for swimming and relaxing under a palapa (thatched umbrella) with some drinks. It's definitely one of the best things to do in Aruba.

What month is hurricane season in Aruba?

The hurricane season usually lasts from early June to late November. The most severe hurricane to make landfall in Aruba in the past 12 months was »Franklin«. It reached a wind speed of up to 83 km/h on August 20, 2023 at 8:00 pm local time near Angochi and was 148 kilometers in diameter at the time.

Are bugs a problem in Aruba?

Are there bugs in Aruba? Mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are all prevalent in Aruba, especially in the smaller off-the-beaten-path towns. Always carry and apply sunscreen to avoid bug bites and diseases.

Are mosquitoes bad in Aruba?

While the mosquito population in Aruba is relatively low, it is still advisable to take precautions to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

What should I be careful of in Aruba?

There is violent crime in association with drugs, but this rarely affects tourists. The main tourist areas are generally safe, but you should take sensible precautions: avoid remote areas at night. don't take valuables to the beach or leave any valuables in your vehicle.

Why is Aruba so popular?

White Sand Beaches Dazzling white sands, sun-kissed rocky bays, natural pools carved by Caribbean waves, and seemingly never-ending stretches of jade and turquoise ocean are undoubtedly the main highlights Aruba is known for.

Is it worth it to go to Aruba?

Aruba is definitely worth considering for your next vacation destination! You'll fall in love with its gorgeous white-sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and warm, sunny weather.

Is there crime against tourists in Aruba?

Overall, there is very little crime in Aruba, and especially very little crime that will affect a tourist. As long as you take basic precautions, you should feel completely safe when you are there.