Is it safe to fly with heart issues?

Is it safe to fly with heart issues? National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance says that most people with heart failure can travel by plane. However, during the flight, legs and ankles tend to swell and breathing may become more difficult for people with severe heart failure.

Does flying affect your chest?

You may feel more breathless, your chest may feel tight. The longer your flight lasts, the more likely you are to experience symptoms. With the right medical advice and precautions, very few people experience problems when they fly.

Does cabin pressure affect blood pressure?

Does flying affect blood pressure? Yes it can. At high altitudes, even in a pressurised aircraft cabin, passengers are at risk of hypoxaemia (low oxygen concentration in the blood).

Can you fly if you have cardiovascular disease?

Before flying, those who have heart disease or have undergone a cardiac procedure should discuss their plans with a doctor. Some of the risk factors that might affect that decision include an unstable heart condition, long flights, flying to a high-elevation destination, and personal risk for blood clots.

Does your heart beat faster when flying?

At sea level, oxygen saturation hovers around 98 to 100 percent, but at 14,000 feet, the saturation levels drops to 80 percent due to oxygen-poor air, requiring the heart to increase cardiac output, requiring a 10 to 30 percent increase in heart rate to maintain appropriate oxygen delivery to tissues.

What blood pressure is too high for flying?

If your blood pressure is higher than 120 over 80, seek medical advice before you travel.

What heart conditions stop you from flying?

Unstable heart disease is associated with a higher risk of adverse events due to flying, and you may need to avoid flying, at least temporarily, until your condition is well controlled. People with pacemakers or implantable defibrillators can fly safely.

Can flying affect your heart rhythm?

Cardiac arrhythmia. Hypoxia and increased sympathetic activation may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias at high altitude2; however, the incidence of significant arrhythmias during air travel is rare.