Is it safe to eat fish out of Lake Michigan?
Is it safe to eat fish out of Lake Michigan? Lake Michigan: No more than 1 MI serving per month. Portage Lake in Houghton County: No more than 2 MI servings per month. Gull Lake in Kalamazoo County: No more than 2 MI servings per month. Higgins Lake in Roscommon County: No more than 4 MI servings per month.
What is the monster in the Great Lakes?
The most renowned of these Great Lakes sea monsters supposedly resides in Lake Erie. Sightings of the lake monster Bessie were first made in the late 1700s but appeared again with some regularity in the 1980s. Bessie is described as being about 20 feet long, serpent-like but with appendages that resemble arms.
What is the most predator in the Great Lakes?
The Great Lakes Biggest Predator The description of the biggest predator in the Great Lakes may drive you to at least do it during the day if anything... Michigan's biggest predator in the Great Lakes is a Sea Lamprey. In the very famous words of Randy Jackson, it's going to be a no for me dawg.
What is the oldest fish in Lake Michigan?
Lake sturgeon live longer than any other fish species in Michigan. Male lake sturgeon live an average of 55 years. Females live 80-150 years.
What is the biggest predator in Lake Michigan?
You won't find much in the way that will leave you wanting to stay out of the waters here in the Great Lakes. The description of the biggest predator in the Great Lakes may drive you to at least do it during the day if anything... Michigan's biggest predator in the Great Lakes is a Sea Lamprey.