Is it safe to eat fish from the East River?

Is it safe to eat fish from the East River? It is terribly dangerous to eat fish caught in the waters around New York. High pollutant levels and levels of mercury are in the waters. There were some arrests some years back about fish dealers selling fish from these waters. Wild striped bass was the main fish and they are safe when they are farmed.

Is it OK to swim in the East River?

Technically it's legal to swim in the East River, although it's also strictly forbidden to actually enter the river. Legalities aside, Mike Dulong, senior attorney for the New York water quality advocacy group Riverkeeper, claims that the East River isn't as unsanitary as the average New Yorker might assume.

What state has the dirtiest river?

Rebecca Thiele. The White River from the Indianapolis Art Center's ArtsPark. Indiana has the most miles of rivers and streams deemed too polluted to swim in of any state. Indiana has the most polluted rivers and streams of any state.

Is the East River clean?

You may find the occasional plastic bag and litter free-flowing along the riverside, but in the middle of the East River, you will find yourself in deep clean waters that have been drastically improved within the past few decades. Ultimately, the city has and continues to make rigorous efforts to improve water quality.

What type of fish are in the East River?

The East River is home to many different aquatic species, including striped bass, American eel, flounder, perch, and blackfish.

Why do people fish on the East River?

Because of its varying degrees of salinity, the river is able to support a very diverse fish population. The East River is home to many different aquatic species, including striped bass, American eel, flounder, perch, and blackfish.

What fish can you eat from the river?

Here are five of the best fish to eat that you can catch on your next trip to the nearest river or lake.
  • Walleye. Walleye are a unique but popular gamefish sought after by every angler that has access to the cool waters they live in. ...
  • Crappie. ...
  • Catfish. ...
  • Trout. ...
  • Striped Bass.

Is East River fish safe to eat?

The State Health Department regularly publishes advisories warning that because of PCB contamination, most adults should eat fish caught from the East River no more than once a month and should avoid eels entirely.

What is the cleanest river in NY?

Experience the Hudson River Today, the Hudson's waters flow cleaner than they have in decades. Years of hard work by dedicated scientists, government officials, and river-lovers have opened the Hudson's shores to swimming, fishing, and boating.