Is it safe to drive to Hana today?

Is it safe to drive to Hana today? Current Closures and Updates There are currently no known closures on the Road to Hana on Maui or Pi`ilani Highway.

Is the Road to Hana closed due to fires?

Road to Hana is Open: The fires did not reach the Hana Highway and The Road to Hana stands unscathed. Sensitivity & Balance: Understand the delicate balance between the needs & priorities of our residents as well as the economic support of a healthy visitor industry.

Do I need reservations for the Road to Hana?

All visitors now must have a reservation voucher in order to enter the extremely popular Wai?anapana State Park (Black Sand Beach), along the famous Road to Hana on Maui. There is a small fee per vehicle (includes all passengers) for a parking reservation (includes entry) for a 3 hour selected allotment.

Is it safe to drive the Road to Hana yourself?

Yes, you can certainly drive the Road to Hana on your own. However, if you'd like some extra guidance on your trip, a driving guide from Action Tour Guide will make for the perfect travel buddy. Driving the Road to Hana is a thrilling and breathtaking experience.

What month is best for Road to Hana?

Visit us between December and March to enjoy the low chance of rain and gorgeous outdoor attractions on the windward side of the island. We recommend checking out the car rentals and embarking on the iconic Road to Hana!

Is it better to do Road to Hana on weekend or weekday?

Sundays and Thursdays are heavy travel days (arriving and leaving the island) so the road to Hana may be less crowded. Start early to get the most out of your day. This is one of the best things to do in Maui on a budget.

What is the best day to drive the Road to Hana?

Sundays and Thursdays are heavy travel days (arriving and leaving the island) so the road to Hana may be less crowded. Start early to get the most out of your day. This is one of the best things to do in Maui on a budget.

Is the Road to Hana stressful?

The best road trips are those where you can cruise around on the open road at your leisure, playing road trip songs or just enjoying the sounds of nature, stress-free. The Road to Hana is the opposite. It's crowded, fairly dangerous, and definitely stressful.

Where should I turn around on the Road to Hana?

You can turn around at Kaumahina State Wayside park and head back to where you came from. Better yet, your tour from Action Tour Guide will still work even if you only choose to do a portion of the trip as it senses your location via GPS.

How long is the Road to Hana drive time?

With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

How do I prepare for the Road to Hana?

Hana Driving Checklist
  1. Decide on a day-trip or staying overnight. Hana is best experienced over at least a few days. ...
  2. Rent a car. Again, we encourage visitors to do a tour over renting your own car for this journey. ...
  3. Get The R2H CD Guide. ...
  4. Do some research. ...
  5. Pack a bag. ...
  6. Leave early and grab a picnic lunch. ...
  7. Pay attention to time.

Do you need a 4x4 for Road to Hana?

The road is unpaved but well-graded dirt for five miles, and at some points it is only one lane wide and has precipitous drop-offs, but at no point is 4WD essential. The only time you would need 4WD is during a torrential rainstorm—and in that situation, you should stay off the road altogether.

What is the etiquette for the Hana Highway?

Pull over for local traffic. Do not hold up vehicles behind you. Do not park along the Hana Highway in spaces that are not designated parking stalls. Visit State parks and County parks for access to bathroom facilities, do not use the roadsides or forest as restrooms.

How hard is the Road to Hana to drive?

Driving along the Road to Hana requires careful attention. The roads can be crowded with drivers who don't always know where they're going, and unexpected traffic backups around curves can lead to sudden stops and accidents.

What is the scary part of the Road to Hana?

One of the main dangers on the Road to Hana is the narrow and winding nature of the road itself. The road is only two lanes wide, and it winds through the rainforest, with sharp turns and steep drop-offs. There are also many one-lane bridges along the route, which can be difficult to navigate.

Why is Road to Hana called divorce?

Some call it the “Road to Hell” or the “Road to Divorce” because you will have to journey across 52 miles of winding road, hairpin turns and numerous one lane bridges to experience all of Hana. This treacherous drive causes couples to argue. Don't worry, it's not that bad. Just take your time and drive carefully.

Do you get carsick on Road to Hana?

Tip 2: Take nausea medicine. I have a friend who took medicine before going on the Road to Hana and her group still had to turn back because she got so sick. Getting motion sickness is pretty common along this fairly wind-y road so if you can prepare in advance, that will help immensely.

Where is the best place to start the Road to Hana?

Road to Hana Starting Point. The Road to Hana starting point is Kahului on Route 36, Hana Highway. Beginning at Kahului Harbor, Hana Highway switches to Route 360 at Mile Marker Zero for the Road to Hana, 16 miles past Paia Town.