Is it safe to drive from Petra to Wadi Rum?

Is it safe to drive from Petra to Wadi Rum? Transport from Petra to Wadi Rum Be careful as some parts of the road are damaged and dangerous. There are several transportation options between Petra and Wadi Rum. All transportations are direct, so it is pretty easy and fast.

Is Wadi Rum safe for tourists?

Safety overview Wadi Rum is generally a safe destination, even during nighttime. The local people are hospitable and possess a strong culture of looking after visitors. However, it's a vast desert region, so it's advisable not to wander alone at night due to the potential risks of getting lost or encountering wildlife.

Is it safe to travel to Jordan 2023?

Exercise a high degree of caution in Jordan overall due to the threat of terrorism. See Safety.

What are the threats to the Wadi Rum?

Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
  • Lack of a database on cultural heritage.
  • Lack of proper conservation and maintenance of the archaeological sites.
  • Lack of traffic and visitor management plans.
  • Potential encroachment from development in the village of Rum.

Should I go to Petra or Wadi Rum first?

Wadi Rum is also about a day's worth of touring, and because of the desert heat it is better to be able to get an early start. An itinerary I would recommend is (3 nights): Arrive in Jordan and go straight to Petra, spend the night in Petra. Spend a full day exploring Petra, spend the night in Petra.

Where to avoid in Jordan?

They recommend against all travel to the following locations:
  • Within 3.5 km of the Jordanian border with Syria, and east of the town of Ruwayshid.
  • Designated Syrian refugee camps in Jordan due to government restrictions.
  • Zarqa, Rusayfah, and the Baqa'a neighbourhood of Ayn Basha due to risks of terrorism and crime.

Is Wadi Rum worth it?

In the heart of the Jordanian desert, Wadi Rum boasts towering cliffs, dark caverns, narrow gorges, impressive mountains, sweeping dunes, and refreshing springs. Even better: it suits not just those who are looking for beauty and solitude, but adrenaline junkies as well.

Can you visit Wadi Rum without a tour?

It is possible to explore without a guide when visiting Wadi Rum, either by hiking, or by taking a 4×4 through the desert. But, Wadi Rum is large and diverse, and it's very easy to get lost in the desert landscape. Given this, it's recommended to explore the desert with a guide.

Are there toilets in Wadi Rum?

Is there a hot shower and toilet? The Bedouin Camps have shared bathroom facilities with solar hot water. The tents at the luxury camps all have private bathroom and solar hot water. How much is the entrance ticket fee to Wadi Rum?

How much is a taxi from Petra to Wadi Rum?

Taxi from Petra to Wadi Rum This should be somewhere between 35-40 JOD (after you've haggled) and since Petra welcomes many independent visitors, it's also possible to split the cost with other solo travellers.

What is the best month to visit Jordan?

The best times to visit Jordan are spring (March to May) or fall (September to November). The days are warm, with temperatures between 61°F and 99°F, but the nights are cool. It's not too hot for exploring sites or hiking in the nature reserves, where flora and fauna are abundant.

Why is Wadi Rum so cheap?

Part of the reason that camping in Wadi Rum is so affordable during the initial booking process is that the guides running the camps make a good chunk of their money selling Jeep tours and camel rides. This is simply part of the process, and nothing to be worried about at all–but it helps to know what to expect.

Is Jordan friendly to tourists?

Jordanian people are really friendly and welcoming, and you'll make lots of local friends. Just keep your valuables secure when you go out, avoid walking around alone at night, and avoid isolated areas where you stand out. In short, the more you can blend in the easier time you'll have.