Is it safe to camp in Death Valley?

Is it safe to camp in Death Valley? It is permitted in some places within the park - find out more about the Backcountry Camping Rules. Death Valley is a large, remote place without cell phone service in most areas. Backcountry camping is a great option for those who prepare properly and follow Leave No Trace principles.

Has anyone crossed Death Valley?

This route was first done solo, unsupported and unassisted by Louis-Philippe Loncke in 2015 in just under 8 days and done again by Roland Banas in 2018 in just under 7 days. The crossing can be done all on trails, but for an unsupported summer trip using a cart for water, that wouldn't be possible.

How do you stay safe in Death Valley?

Travel prepared to survive: Stay on paved roads in summer. If your car breaks down, stay with it until help comes. Carry extra drinking water in your car in case of emergency. Watch for signs of trouble: If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or a headache, get out of the sun immediately and drink water or sports drinks.

Is it safe to drink the water in Death Valley?

Although the water here is too high in salt content to be potable, springs in Death Valley National Monument provide an adequate drinking water supply for the resorts and campsites that serve the many tourists who visit each year.

Can you do Death Valley without a car?

If you don't have car access, then the Bundu Bus will be the next cheapest option. The bus travels through Death Valley on its way from Las Vegas to Yosemite and the $89 one-way fare includes a guided tour of a portion of the park.

Does Death Valley get cold?

Winter daytime temperatures are mild in the low elevations, with cool nights that only occasionally reach freezing. Higher elevations are cooler than the low valley. Temperatures drop 3 to 5°F (2 to 3°C) with every thousand vertical feet gained(approx. 300m).

Is Death Valley a scary drive?

From the website on Death Valley: Yes, but you must be prepared and use common sense. With an air conditioned vehicle you can safely tour many of the main sites in Death Valley. Stay on paved roads in summer, and if your car breaks down, stay with it until help arrives.

What is the best month to visit Death Valley?

The highs for Death Valley in the spring months average between 82-100°F (27-38°C) with lows averaging 55-73°F (13-23°C). March and through mid-April are great months to visit the park, but by end of April into May starts the consistent 100 degree days.

How dark is Death Valley at night?

In fact, the park is a Gold Tier Dark Sky Park, according to the International Dark-Sky Association, meaning Death Valley at night has some of the darkest skies around. That makes it a perfect playground for laying back and gazing upon faraway galaxies.

Can I sleep in Death Valley?

Lodging. Whether you are looking to stay in a luxury hotel or a simple tent cabin, Death Valley has a range of options available.