Is it rude to talk on the subway in Japan?

Is it rude to talk on the subway in Japan? Talking loudly on trains is considered bad mannered and ranks highly amongst the most annoying behaviors on trains in Japan. Don't talk on the phone. Only on long-distance trains on the decks between cars is talking on the phone acceptable. Set your phone to silent mode.

Can you talk on the bus in Japan?

Please do not occupy a seat with your luggage. Please set your mobile phone to silent mode and refrain from talking on the phone. Smoking is prohibited inside the bus.

Can I go to Japan only speaking English?

Sure you can. In big cities and at major landmarks and popular tourist sights, you'll be just fine most of the time. Of course, once you get off the beaten path a bit, things will get a little more challenging.

Can I wear jeans in Japan?

Trousers are fine, jeans are fine, skirts are fine. Many Japanese young women are covered up A LOT on the top half but have very short shirts and that seems to be fine, for some reason. If you do this, just keep in mind that you will be bending down to take shoes on and off, more often than normal.

Is smiling rude in Japan?

I wouldn't say it's considered rude, but it's just not really normal, especially in bigger cities, and definitely not in Tokyo. It is possible that you could look a bit crazy or suspicious if you make a point of meeting people's eyes and smiling. It could also lead to misunderstanding.

Can I go to Tokyo without speaking Japanese?

Do you need to speak any Japanese to travel around Japan? Absolutely not. You can travel to Japan without learning any of these words and have a great time. People ask us about the Japanese language barrier all the time, with common questions such as, Do Japanese people speak English?

Is it rude to answer the phone on a train in Japan?

For example, on trains it is rude to answer or talk on cellphones. Many people keep their phone in 'manner mode' (silent mode) in order to not bother others and to avoid embarrassment on trains. On the other hand, writing emails or playing games with a cell phone while riding the train is completely acceptable.

Is it rude to eat on the train in Japan?

Do NOT Eat Food. There is a custom in Japan where most people do not eat food outside other than when in restaurants. However, when using the bullet train or the green car, you are permitted to eat food. Normal trains and people commuting using said trains do not permit the consumption of food whilst riding the train.

Do taxi drivers in Tokyo speak English?

Most taxi drivers in Tokyo understand English, and you can simply tell them where you want to go. However, perhaps you can still ask someone at your hotel to help you write your destination on a piece of paper in Japanese.

How not to dress like a tourist in Japan?

In summer, many people choose to wear longer skirts or slacks instead of shorts, and few wear tank tops. Pack clothes that aren't too flashy and make sure they're appropriate for the activities and the season you have planned. Bring a dressier outfit if you plan on eating somewhere nice.