Is it okay to wear shorts in Mexico?

Is it okay to wear shorts in Mexico? Overall, Mexicans are very tolerant, especially towards foreigners. If you're a woman, a lot of people will tell you “don't wear shorts in Mexico because Mexican women rarely wear them” and that's true. But if shorts are what makes you feel comfortable, by all means wear them.

Should I travel in shorts or pants?

It depends on the situation. If you are travelling in a hot climate, then wearing shorts may be more comfortable than long pants or jeans. However, if you are travelling to a colder destination, it is probably best to wear something warmer and more appropriate for the weather conditions.

Can you wear short dresses in Mexico?

Dresses & Skirts If you don't find jeans comfortable, then a dress or skirt is totally fine for Mexico City! The key here is to bring knee or ankle-length dresses or skirts and leave the shorter ones for the beach.

Do I need pants in Mexico?

some places in Mexico actually get snow! Even if your building a packing list for San Miguel de Allende in winter, you'll want to throw in some pants as the evenings can get cold. If you're visiting one of the fantastic Mexico beach destinations you can likely get away without them.

What should I wear to Cancun?

Year-round, you will want to pack the following clothing items for maximum comfort in Cancun:
  • Rain jacket.
  • Shorts.
  • Tee shirts and/or tank tops.
  • Sundresses.
  • Clothing for a night out or special occasion.
  • Swimsuit cover-up.
  • Sunglasses.

Are shorts OK in Mexico City?

What not to wear. Again, from a strong Mediterranean influence, Mexico City is relatively formal compared to more northerly cultures and those influenced by such cultures. With that in mind, no matter the time of year, it is not really the place to wear shorts or sandals or flip flops.

Is it OK to travel in shorts?

Putting on a pair of shorts to wear on a flight to a hot country might seem like a good idea to most people. But according to an experienced flight attendant, wearing shorts on a plane is dirty and must be avoided at all costs.

Is it okay to wear leggings in Mexico?

You'll want to bring clothes that are cozy and warm, but also stylish and colorful. Some good options are: A sweater or cardigan that you can layer over a shirt or dress. Jeans, pants or leggings that are snug and comfortable.

Can I wear shorts in Cancun?

The mere mention of Mexico is sure to evoke a laid-back atmosphere, tropical climate, and beautiful beaches. These things are not wrong as this country has always been a beach destination. In fact, wearing shorts, a t-shirt, sundresses, and even sandals are quite normal here.

What is appropriate to wear in Mexico?

Shorts, skirts, short-sleeve tops, and dresses are all commonly worn by visitors and locals alike. Nights can become a bit cooler so a light sweater or jacket is recommended to stay comfortable once the sun goes down.

Do I have to declare clothes at customs in Mexico?

Passengers are allowed to bring, free of duty, merchandise in their personal luggage when entering the country. These include, among other things: Items for personal use, such as clothing and footwear.

Can I wear crop tops in Mexico?

Different Regions of Mexico Some cities will feel a little more conservative than others. For example, in Merida, where I am based, people are mostly Catholic and cover up quite a bit: booty shorts and a bra-like crop top will really make you stand out.