Is it OK to wear shorts in Thailand?

Is it OK to wear shorts in Thailand? Shorts or trousers Wearing them is fine, especially when you have a stylish pair. For a night out, a pair of nice jeans is much preferred. Shorts are pretty common in most bars catering towards Westerners, and they're fine in many casual Thai nightspots too.

What should girls wear in Thailand?

The best things to wear in Thailand for women are long skirts and dresses, cropped or long pants with button-down shirts or short sleeve tees. For men shorts and long pants with short sleeve tees, polo shirts, and long-sleeved button-downs.

What not to bring to Thailand?

The following are some examples of prohibited goods:
  • Narcotics.
  • Pornographic materials.
  • Counterfeit trademark goods and IPR infringing goods.
  • Fake notes or coins.
  • Reserved animals or CITES-listed wildlife.

Can I wear a short dress in Thailand?

Avoid Short Skirts So, unless you want to dress up in a Thai school uniform, you're better off wearing something a little longer. Above the knee is considered totally fine, but mid-thigh would be too short.

Can I wear all black in Thailand?

By showing some discretion about what you wear you will win respect from your Thai hosts. Many Thai people will be wearing black or white, but this isn't mandatory. Tourists aren't expected to dress in the same way as Thai people, but showing respect will be appreciated by locals.

Is it OK to wear red in Thailand?

Of course, it is perfectly safe to wear a red shirt in Thailand! Unless that is you wear one and join a mass demonstration against the army's orders... Red is an auspicious color in Thailand cause of the Thai-Chinese, and Sunday is the 'red day of the week'.

Can I cross dress in Thailand?

Thailand is probably one of the safest places in the world to crossdress openly, so if that's your style then you'll probably have a blast. Just make sure you aren't discarding chewing gum on the floor, you might end up with a hefty fine or spending the night behind bars!

Is it disrespectful to not wear a shirt in Thailand?

Although it might not always seem like it, Thailand is actually very conservative in many respects. If you are walking or cycling around a city, it isn't polite to take off your shirt.

How much US dollars can I carry to Thailand?

What are the limits? Details of the customs regulations in Thailand can be found on the Thai Customs Board website. According to the details available online, you can bring up to $20,000 - or the equivalent - into Thailand, without needing to take any specific action.

Are leggings OK in Thailand?

What Not to Wear in Thailand. There's a few things you probably won't want to wear in Thailand. In general I never pack booty shorts, strappy tank tops, leggings, or heels to Thailand. Unless you plan on going clubbing in Bangkok I would definitely leave the heels at home.

How not to offend in Thailand?

Ten Ways to Avoid Offending Thai Culture
  • Show Interest In Any And All Things Thai.
  • Be Part Of The Family. ...
  • Try New Foods. ...
  • Answer Questions. ...
  • Help People Communicate With You. ...
  • Speak Respectfully To Elders. ...
  • Have A Sense Of Humor. ...
  • Leave Some Space. ...

Should I carry cash to Thailand?

Final Thoughts On Money In Thailand
It's easy to top up, gives you an excellent exchange rate, and you can use it to pay for things in Thailand. As you can see, having cash is still a must in Thailand.

What to wear in Thailand to not look like a tourist?

The basic rule is to cover your shoulders and knees (both sexes), and ideally, you'd cover your ankles too. On the bottom, wear longer shorts, capris, pants/trousers or a knee-length-or-longer skirt. On top, choose any shirt that fully covers your shoulders and has zero cleavage.