Is it OK to sedate a cat for travel?

Is it OK to sedate a cat for travel? Although it may seem as if sedation is the best option, we do not recommend pets are sedated for stressful times such as fireworks and travel. Sedatives prevent them from acting normally but actually do little to reduce the fear they are experiencing.

How do you travel 20 hours with a cat?

Confine your pet Use a pet restraint, preferably a hard-shelled crate, to keep your cat contained in the car. If you're flying to your new home, follow your airline's recommendations for the proper crate or carrier. Make sure the carrier is secured and level in a seat with a vent pointing toward it for ventilation.

How do you travel 8 hours with a cat?

A carrier will help keep you, your cat, and other people on the road safer. Our favorite carrier is the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed. The Sleepypod doubles as a cat bed and a carrier, which allows for your cat to travel in the comfort of her own bed. This is perfect if your cat gets stressed while traveling.

Is it stressful for cats to travel?

Most cats don't have much experience with traveling, and when they do, it isn't positive, so it makes sense why many cats are not fans of traveling. Although travel can be stressful, there is a lot you can do to make traveling and carriers less stressful and even enjoyable for your cat(s)!

Why do cats cry when traveling?

As much as you might like to have your kitty join you on vacation, cats are creatures of habit and probably won't care much for the change in routine and scenery a vacation offers. Some cats become very nervous in unfamiliar situations, like cars. They might start meowing loudly or even get sick.

How do you travel long distance with a cat?

  1. Choose the right carrier. ...
  2. Introduce kitty to their carrier early. ...
  3. Plan your journey in advance. ...
  4. Use a harness and lead for extra safety. ...
  5. Have your kitty microchipped. ...
  6. Bring a litter tray. ...
  7. Don't feed your kitty as you leave! ...
  8. Consider your destination.