Is it OK to eat salad in Mexico?

Is it OK to eat salad in Mexico? Whether you eat out or cook at home, don't miss the chance to taste the delicious fruits and salads just because somebody told you not to eat raw vegetables while in Mexico! Mexico has the unjustified reputation of giving people “Montezuma's Revenge,” blamed on drinking water and consuming vegetables.

Is bottled water safe in Mexico?

Tap Water Safety But not to worry: you won't have to drink beer or soft drinks during your whole trip, as there's plenty of drinking water available everywhere in Mexico! You just need to avoid drinking tap water. Stick to bottled water to be sure the water you drink won't give you problems with your digestive system.

Is it safe to eat eggs in Mexico?

Well-done eggs and egg dishes are safe. Fruit juices sold on the street should be avoided even when they are advertised as fresh and pure.

Is it safe to eat fruit at a resort in Mexico?

Fresh fruit with a thick skin you can peel yourself (such as bananas, oranges and mangos) is generally a safe bet at an all-inclusive. If you're concerned about water quality, you can always give fruit an extra wash with filtered or bottled water.