Is it less expensive to live in Spain or Portugal?

Is it less expensive to live in Spain or Portugal? While the cost of living can vary depending on location and personal preferences, Portugal tends to be slightly cheaper than Spain for accommodation, food, and transportation. Both countries offer beautiful scenery, rich culture, and delicious food, making them great destinations for travelers on a budget.

Which is cheapest to live Spain or Portugal?

Cost of living in Spain vs Portugal Spain and Portugal have very similar cost of living. While Portugal tends to be on the cheaper side for most things, it's also possible to have a cheaper cost of living in some Spanish cities.

Why is Portugal different to Spain?

One of the main differences lies in the language. Spanish is the official language of Spain, while Portuguese is the official language of Portugal. Although they are both Romance languages and share some similarities, the pronunciation, vocabulary, and even certain expressions can vary.

Can you live in Spain on 1500 Euros a month?

We recommend budgeting between 800€-1500€ per month to live comfortably in Spain.

Is 1000 euros enough for a month in Spain?

If you're by yourself, you can live on €1,000 per month in Spain. This includes room rent, groceries, health insurance, rare use of public transport, eating out a few times a month and shopping moderately.

Which part of Portugal is cheaper?

Santarém Just an hour away from Lisbon, the city of Santarém, in the Santarém district, is one of the cheapest cities to live in Portugal. It's also much calmer than the Portuguese capital, in what is called the Ribatejo region.

Which is better Lisbon or Madrid?

Overall Verdict – Lisbon Although both Madrid and Lisbon offer a plethora of sights and activities, Lisbon emerges as the best city due to its blend of historical landmarks, charming neighbourhoods, and vibrant cultural experiences.

Is Italy or Spain cheaper?

Italy vs Spain: cost To stretch your travel budget, Spain is typically slightly more affordable than Italy, even in expensive cities like Madrid.