Is it illegal to harvest redwoods?

Is it illegal to harvest redwoods? In most cases, people are fully within their rights to cut down redwoods on their own property. You can contact your local city council or other community organization to try to make a case for the value of redwoods in the community.

Can you climb redwoods legally?

Recreational climbers are generally prohibited from climbing into canopy of national and state redwood parks. But a few people illegally sneak into redwoods without permission. Photos and videos have appeared online, proving this. Most recreational climbers climb legally.

Why do redwoods only grow in California?

As its nickname suggests, giant or coastal redwoods thrive in the moist, humid climate of the Northern California coast, where marine fog delivers precise conditions necessary for its growth. The fog adds moisture to the soil and helps trap it there by lowering the rate of evaporation.