Is it hurricane season in Boston?

Is it hurricane season in Boston? Hurricane Season is June 1st - November 30th.

Is Boston expensive for tourists?

Boston is certainly up there on the list of US cities with a high cost of living, which – unfortunately – can also mean a high cost of traveling. The biggest challenge is affordable accommodations, as hotels are pricey in this city of expensive real estate and packed event calendars.

Is Boston USA worth visiting?

Boston is one of the oldest cities in the U.S., so it's filled with historic charm. There are areas that still have cobblestone streets and buildings dating centuries back. At the same time, its a hub for cutting-edge universities and tech companies that make you feel like you're racing into the future.

What is the best time to visit Boston?

For the best weather and fewest crowds of tourists, the spring and fall are the best times to visit Boston, either between May and June or September and October.

What are the worst months for hurricanes?

The official hurricane season for the Atlantic basin is from June 1 to November 30, but tropical cyclone activity sometimes occurs before and after these dates, respectively. The peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is September 10, with most activity occurring between mid-August and mid-October.