Is it expensive to live on Christmas Island?

Is it expensive to live on Christmas Island? Since the detention centre was built on the island in 2006, the island population of about 1,500 locals has jumped dramatically. Mr McDonald says the cost of living is now estimated at about 180 per cent above that on the mainland. An iceberg lettuce at the local store can cost as much as $12.

Can you drink tap water on Christmas Island?

Carry plenty of drinking water. Local tap water is safe to use. Always follow directions from park rangers – their directions are for your safety.

Are there mosquitoes on Christmas Island?

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Christmas Island. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

Does Christmas Island have an airport?

Christmas Island International Airport Check-in counters are open two and a half hours before departure. Baggage carousels are located in the Arrivals Hall.

How cold does Christmas Island get?

The island has a tropical climate in which heat and humidity are moderated by trade winds. Temperatures vary little throughout the year. The highest temperature is usually around 29 °C (84 °F) in March and April, while the lowest temperature is 23 °C (73 °F) and occurs in August.

Can you work on Christmas Island?

Working at Christmas Island is a challenging but immensely rewarding experience for anyone who wants to make a difference in a unique and highly fragile wilderness environment. Our current job vacancies are advertised on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.

Are dogs allowed on Christmas Island?

The importation of dogs and cats into Christmas Island is prohibited by the Importation of Dogs and Cats Ordinance 1973, due to concerns about environmental, social, cultural, animal health and welfare issues.

What happened at Christmas Island?

900 Japanese troops invade and occupy Christmas Island, imprisoning remaining Europeans and hunting 1000 Malay and Chinese workers in the jungle. Islander sabotage and allied submarines lead to suspension of mining. In 1943, half the population is sent to prison camps in Indonesia when food runs low.

What animals are found on Christmas Island?

  • Abbott's booby.
  • Brown booby.
  • Christmas Island emerald dove.
  • Christmas Island frigatebird.
  • Christmas Island goshawk.
  • Christmas Island hawk-owl.
  • Christmas Island imperial pigeon.
  • Christmas Island thrush.

Why is Christmas Island so popular?

Nicknamed the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, the island is famous for its red crabs, sea birds, whale sharks and spectacular coral reefs. Closer to Asia than mainland Australia, it's home to a captivating mix of cultures and some of the world's most spectacular natural wonders.

Can you drive on Christmas Island?

Christmas Island has a network of well maintained roads ranging from Sealed Roads within the residential area, Formed Unsealed Roads which form the primary mining haul road and 4 wheel Drive Roads that access areas within the National Park.

Are Christmas Islanders Australian citizens?

In 1958, the island was excised from Singapore and sovereignty was transferred to Australia. As part of the transfer, Australia paid Singapore £2,800,000 as compensation for lost phosphate revenue. Christmas Island became an Australian territory on 1 October 1958 – a day still celebrated on the island as Territory Day.

Can you drink alcohol on Christmas Island?

That means you can score a great deal on popular duty-free items such as fragrances, leather goods, electronics, jewellery, watches and sunglasses. It also means Christmas Island has some of the cheapest alcohol in Australia – perfect for treating yourself to a beer or a gin and tonic as the sun goes down.

Can people live on Christmas Island?

Today Christmas Island has around 2000 residents. The most common ancestries reported by residents are: Chinese (the largest ethnic group) Australian.

Is Christmas Island a good place to live?

Island life: While Christmas Island is a pleasant place to live most of the time, residents say it has its challenges. For example, flights to the island from mainland Australia are expensive.

Who owns Christmas Island?

Christmas Island became an Australian territory on 1 October 1958 – a day still celebrated on the island as Territory Day.

Do you need a passport to go to Christmas Island?

A passport is necessary and a visa may be required. Refer to your travel agent or the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for further details. Duty free purchases may be made for travel to and from Christmas Island.

What do people eat on Christmas Island?

The cuisine of Christmas Island can best be described as an eclectic combination of traditional Australian cuisine and Asian cuisine, particularly meals from Malaysia and Indonesia.