Is it cheap to love in China?

Is it cheap to love in China? On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average. But the cost of items like cars and private school tuition are actually very similar. Many products commonly used in the west are imported to China, making them more expensive.

Is it cheap for Americans to live in China?

The cost of food in big cities will likely be higher, but overall, the average cost of living in China is 40.61% lower than in the United States . Meals can be as cheap as $2, and the average rent is floating around $600 a month (with the low end close to $300, and up to $1500).

What not to do as an American in China?

10 Things Not to Do in China
  • Don't Talk about Uncomfortable or Politically Sensitive Topics. ...
  • Don't Disrespect the Customs of Minority Groups and Temples. ...
  • Don't Make Close Personal Contact, Such as a Hug or Kiss. ...
  • Don't Expect Interpersonal Communications to Be the Same. ...
  • Don't Forget Your Manners When Using Chopsticks.