Is it better to take dollars or pesos to Cancun?

Is it better to take dollars or pesos to Cancun? The best currency to take to Cancun is Mexican pesos (MXN) as this is the official currency of the country and will save you money when paying for purchases. However, U.S. dollars are also widely accepted, so it's possible to use dollars when traveling in Cancun.

Is it safe to take cash to Cancun?

Cash is a necessity in Cancun, given that many restaurants and gift shops don't accept credit cards. Like many other airports around the world, the Cancun airport is jam-packed with money exchange kiosks looking to convert your money into Mexican pesos.

What is the best currency to take to Cancun?

That's why, unless you are from the US and don't want to use Pesos due to unfamiliarity, I would always recommend that you use Pesos.

How much cash should I take to Cancun for a week?

I agree with $1,500-$2,000 with the activities you are planning. I usually bring the equivalent of $500 USD converted to pesos, along with another $1,000 in cash. If you estimate $100 per person per excursion (some will cost more, some will cost less), plus extra for tips and souvenirs, you should be good.

Should I bring cash to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico?

Credit cards are gold around these parts but it's still a good idea to bring cash along when you travel, even on an all-inclusive vacation. While you won't be paying for meals or drinks, it's a good idea to make friends with your bartender at the beginning of the trip by leaving a tip up front.

Is it better to bring USD or pesos to Cancun?

When given the option, pay in pesos: When paying at restaurants or stores in Cancun, you'll likely be given the option to pay in pesos or USD (even when paying with a credit card). Always choose pesos, as you'll get a better exchange rate.

Should I get pesos from my bank before going to Mexico?

It's best to order pesos via your local U.S. bank before arriving in Mexico to avoid inflated fees. If this isn't an option, you can go into a reputable bank or credit union nearby. If you must use an ATM for cash, this is typically safe too, but remember to convert your currency to pesos for the best deal.

Is it rude not to tip at all-inclusive?

Is it rude not to tip at all-inclusive resorts? While tipping is allowed at some resorts, it is optional, so you won't have to worry about staff pressuring you to do so.

Is $10 a good tip in Mexico?

In Mexico, a good rule of thumb for tips is to leave 10-15% of the bill. 50 pesos would be a standard tip for a bill that was around 500 pesos. For example, if you go out for dinner and get drinks, you should expect to spend around 400 MXN. That would mean your tip would be between 40-60 MXN.

Should I use credit card or pesos in Mexico?

Preparing your travel money options beforehand is the key to a stress-free vacation. Credit cards, debit cards, prepaid travel cards and cash are all accepted in Mexico. Outside of a few purchases like transportation fare or local shops, a credit card will be your best bet for everyday purchases.

Do you need pesos in Cancun all inclusive resorts?

No, if you don't plan to leave the resort, you don't need pesos for an all inclusive in Cancun. Additional resort purchases can be placed on the credit card attached to the room reservation and any tips can be made in US dollars.

Should I exchange money before Cancun?

Speaking of cash, yes, you'll want to exchange your currency for Mexican pesos before traveling to Cancun. You'll get a better rate from your local bank or credit union than you'll find at the airport once you've arrived in Mexico.

Should I convert my money to pesos before going to Mexico?

While some merchants in Mexico may accept US Dollars, it is not widely accepted and you may receive a poor exchange rate. It's recommended to use Mexican Pesos when in Mexico.

Do you tip at an all-inclusive resort?

While tipping may not be required at some all-inclusive resorts, many guests prefer to do so. In the event that you would like to tip staff during your all-inclusive vacation, it is important to find out in advance whether staff would even be allowed to accept those tips.

What does 500 pesos buy you in Mexico?

For traveling (even on a backpacker budget) it is perhaps better to consider what 500 pesos (or $25 will buy). That is enough to rent a car for a way (minus non-specified expenses). It is also enough for dormitory accommodation in some of the cheapest hostels in Mexico City for two nights (around $8 per night).

Is $5 a good tip in Mexico?

It's up to you how much you tip, but the recommended amount in Mexico is between 10% – 20% (15% is a good standard in tourist areas) of the bill or ticket price.