Is it a good idea to move to Croatia?

Is it a good idea to move to Croatia? For many years, Croatia has been a popular destination for expats. While Croatia may be a young nation, it boasts a rich cultural heritage and a diverse geographic landscape. With its rich history, beautiful beaches, stunning islands, and affordable living costs, Croatia offers everything to its expat community.

Is it easy to make friends in Croatia?

If you've been here before and had some bad experience or read about some criticism, you might be under the impression that Croats are rude and not easy to make friends with. While the first cannot be further from the truth, the second is fact. Croats don't easily open up to outsiders.

What are the threats to Croatia?

Croatia is also at risk of earthquakes, forest fires, flooding, water scarcity and extreme heat.

Is Croatia a rich or Poor country?

Croatia's process of economic convergence continues, with GDP per capita (in Purchasing Power Parity) in 2022 reaching 73% of the average European Union (EU) member states' level. The country has recorded the highest post-pandemic recovery of all EU member states (with the notable exception of Ireland).

Which nationality visits Croatia the most?

Croatia is most popular among Germans, who made up a massive 3.2 million of its visitors in 2022.

Why are people moving out of Croatia?

Economic Reasons for the Croatian Emigration Crisis As expected, the majority emigrated to other European Union countries, primarily to Germany, where almost half of all Croatian emigrants went (14,148). The difference in people moving to EU countries compared to 2021 was about 25 percent.

Do they speak English in Croatia?

English is by far one of the most commonly taught at this point, along with German and Italian. Being bilingual, or even multilingual, is common among Croatians. For example, a recent poll showed that 80% of Croatians are multilingual. Within that group, 81% speak English.