Is it a big deal to fail a checkride?

Is it a big deal to fail a checkride? Failing a check ride would have little consequence within an airline and none on securing another job. Failing multiple check rides is different, but fail one and you'll just get some extra training and another check ride.

Can you do a go around on a checkride?

If you're a little high or maybe too fast and it doesn't look like you're going to be able to make your touchdown point, go around. This not only gives you a second chance at the landing, but it's also an opportunity to show the examiner your aeronautical decision-making abilities.

What is the most commonly failed checkride?

Here are the most common checkride errors and mistakes that students make:
  1. Missing Paperwork. ...
  2. Navigation Errors. ...
  3. Incorrect Stall Recovery. ...
  4. Landing Issues. ...
  5. Inadequate or Unsafe Emergency Landing. ...
  6. Airspace Infringement. ...
  7. Inability to Read Weather Reports. ...
  8. Not Using Checklists.