Is Hyderabad metro profitable?

Is Hyderabad metro profitable? After experiencing enormous losses for the second consecutive year 2021-22 to the tune of 1,746 crore, the L&T Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited is witnessing a gradual increase in footfall.

Which is the most successful metro in India?

The Delhi Metro has the largest network in the entire country.

What is the best metro system in the US?

1. New York. With subways, buses, and commuter rail systems that connect all five boroughs, New York City boasts one of the most extensive public transportation systems in the world. The subway system alone, with its 472 stations and over 650 miles of track, is a prime example of efficient and reliable US transport.

What is the most profitable metro in the world?

Hong Kong's MTR Corporation runs the most valuable metro railway in the world. In 2017 it banked US$2.2 billion (HK$17 billion) profit, more than enough to buy seven Boeing 777 jets.

Which US City has the best metro system?

1. New York. With subways, buses, and commuter rail systems that connect all five boroughs, New York City boasts one of the most extensive public transportation systems in the world. The subway system alone, with its 472 stations and over 650 miles of track, is a prime example of efficient and reliable US transport.