Is Havana safe to walk around at night?
Is Havana safe to walk around at night? Havana safety at Night Walking around Old Havana is just as special at night, where the same crumbling streets get turned up a few notches in atmosphere. There's many awesome bars to visit here, and it's still relatively safe to walk around.
Is Cuba safe to go off resort?
Cuba - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to crime. Country Summary: Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, and sexual assault, sometimes occurs in Cuba.
What items are hard to get in Cuba?
Pharmacies are almost empty and medication is hard to come by. These days, a growing black market on the internet is one of the few places where Cubans can find commodities such as antibiotics, soap or toilet paper. Cuba is certainly no stranger to food shortages and a lack of access to basic items.
Is Havana safe for female travelers?
Personal Safety and Common Scams In terms of physical safety, Cuba is an ideal destination for female travelers. Most streets can be walked alone at night, violent crime is rare, and Cubans are friendly and quick to offer helpful advice and directions to befuddled-looking ladies (and gents!).
What are the crimes against tourists in Cuba?
Country Summary: Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, and sexual assault, sometimes occurs in Cuba.
How can I avoid getting sick in Cuba?
Drink only boiled or bottled water. Avoid raw or undercooked food. Public medical facilities in Havana are basic. Private clinics are well-equipped, but only one in Havana treats foreigners.